traveling palantir (17)

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"Hi na- sab- na thenid, na i largest Elven stronghold, Glimmer estel. (Here is mine to rule, to the largest Elven stronghold, Glimmer Hope.)" Ar eleven hir Elric stated with a sense of being regal.

"Thank cin ar hir Elric (High Lord Elric)," Lily replies.

He lowered her to the ground then dismounted himself. Elric walked up and brushed her shoulder with his. Lily raised an eyebrow. An elf is so graceful that he meant to brush against hers. Long fingers softly pressed into her lower back as Elric's right hand gestured towards his high forested lands.

Lily begins to walk forward. Now Prince Elric started to speak in English. "My home is your home now. You may stay as long as your heart desires. Do not think anymore about those evil beings. They cannot find you here."

"Thank you my High Lord Elric.." Lily bowed.

"Come and wander about. I will arrange living quarters on a whole level for you to rest. You can draw, paint or any other crafts you wish to create...but never touch the palantir. It will show you things from your past and possible future. It drives even Elves insane."

"High Lord Elric, you are too generous..."

Prince Elric did a slight head nod, "In private you may address me as Draerin.."

Then he left as royal helpers arrived to bath and dress Lily. The Dhampirica noticed that time seemed to stop in this always twilight realm. She began to worry she will lose track of time quickly.

Draerin offered her sanctuary but at what price?

There is always a price to pay.

Seven days slipped by quickly. Lily was given Elven short swords with training that was able for her to fight the twin brothers at the same. It was about speed, agility and swords not created by human hands. Draerin assured her that even the dark and brooding Vampire King would feel the blades too.

Draerin was always near or by Lily's side when he could be. The Dhampirica found this highly suspicious to say the least. Since it was known she spoke Elven, not one secret was revealed of her reason to be here.

It is at that moment, a voice in her head calls out,"Lillui.."

Lily staggers a moment as she rubs her temples. The voice is distant and has an echo to it. She shakes her head as if that will end this strange event unfolding. It's a human voice with a heavy accent that is saying her elven name, Lily.

Now the unknown voice echoes once more in her head, "Lillui...come to me."

Draerin approached quickly then turned to the stunned half vampire around. A trickle of blood was dripping from her left nostril. "Do not listen Lily Child to the voice in your mind's eye. Granted strong but a cheap attempt to lure you back."

"Who is trying so hard?" she whispered in pain.

"Kazikli bey..." is all Draerin replied.

"I would like to rest even though I can regenerate right now, Draerin."

"By all means Lily blossom," Draerin smiled. "We shall have a private dinner under the stars."

The Dhampirica smiled faintly then Draerin escorted her back to the floor of her living quarters. She laid down as the Elf Prince opened the door to her bedroom. Prince Elric glided down the ornate carved hall to a pedestal with a smokey brown color crystal ball that swirls. His graceful hand palmed the palantir then his sleeve engulfed it to cover it up.

One palantir is unaccounted for.

Draerin began to wonder if the Unholy King had acquired it. It was only the size of a large glass marble but it was designed for traveling. It's even more powerful due to this.

Dhampirica ¤ (polyamory Hellsing)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat