guard duty (4)

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Meabh wandered through Hellsing manor to insure that there are no breaches. It was tedious work so often Sir Hellsing had the Dhampirica do work in her office. Sometimes after three days of nonstop security Sir Integra does feel sorry for Meabh so allows her to sit and read books from the library. The two women now take horseback rides too. Integra doesn't talk, but neither does Meabh, it is simply two women enjoying silent company riding versus completely alone.

Sir Integra has a concern, Meabh is becoming 'less' human as time progresses. Integra noted that never sleeping, eating and except for the human tasks by Sir Hellsing, Meabh does nothing to help keep herself human, to relate being human, her human side is slipping away slowly but surely.

One evening, shortly after her observation, Sir Integra speaks with Alucard. "Servant, report to me any problems with Miss McNamara."

"My Master, there are none I see. Has she done something wrong which I need to punish her for?" a gleam enters his eyes.

"I order you to allow some personal time for her...she is no longer human in many aspects. I need her to pass as human."

"Master, I am not sure what it is you're getting at?"

"Call her..."Sir Integra commands Alucard.

In return the Vampire King places a demand to Meabh, mentally, to appear in the office. The half breed quickly arrives as ordered. The 'young' woman took her normal place behind Sir Hellsing as protection.

"Look at me," he states.

Meabh looks over with heavy hooded eyes. Her pupils have more of a cat like iris and the faint glow. Her vision is on now all the time. He knew by the way, she held her mouth, her fangs were elongated and then glances to her hands to see that Meabh had her fingernails extended to be claws, not seeing a reason to retract any of her vampiric features.

"Come here..."is all Alucard says to Meabh. "When did you last sleep?"

"How long have I been here now?"Meabh questions.

"Four months..."

Meabh is confused, "It's been close to six then."

"And eaten anything?"

Meabh shook her head, " Don't really remember, a year? No I had a scotch at the Bats Wing does that count?"

"Our Master says you are not to explain?" he sneers.

"I am perfectly healthy Elder Vampire, why?"

"Yet you can not pass for human now..."

"Is that needed?" Meabh still didn't understand the questioning.

"Half breed! You are looking like a vampire not human, why is that?!' Alucard growls out in frustration.

With a shrug Meabh says, " Human contact, sleeping cycle and occasionally food helps me keep my humanity or in this case human side inclined. Why?"

"Alucard, Miss McNamara's health is your job and it is obvious you can't take care of her," Integra states. "She is now under Walter's care."

Intrega turns to the Dhampirica, "go to Walter and get a place to rest your mind at least. You report to Walter and even though you don't need sleep and food, I want you to do both. I need your human half not the vampire side that Alucard can only relate to."

"Of course Sir Hellsing..."

Meabh walks quietly to the door but her eyes never leave watching Alucard. A faint smirk crosses her mouth with a lick of her lips. Alucard knows now that the Dhampirica knew exactly what she was doing. Meabh, how she made it look like the big, bad and cruel Vampire King treated her with apathy and cruelty. He had thought ignoring her was nothing cruel or unusual.

Alucard turns to his Master. " She just played you."

"And the former Vampire King never does? Meabh played the hand you gave her and didn't break a command as far as I'm concerned," Integra let a long blow of smoke up towards the ceiling. "You're just p.o. because she outsmarted you. Meabh will continue to outsmart you because you find her repulsive while most others find her in varying degrees of distracting."

"Even to you Master..."Alucard tilts his head.

"Yes, Alucard but she is not out to ruin me as a virgin unlike you," as more smoke leaves her mouth.

"She's dangerous..."

"More than you?" Integra laughs.

"At least still keep her in my quarters to keep an eye on her," Alucard says with a small pleasant smile.

"Walter is capable and you most likely will 'pop' in anyway, so no. This discussion is done. Good night Servant."

Alucard stands up and stretches like one creepy two legged cat. Intrega rubs her temples when the oldest vampire uses the door. Alucard hasn't used her door in years, just usually phases through walls, floor or to annoy the hell out of her, the ceiling.

Never the door...

Meabh smiles to Walter, "Walter these cookies are amazing! Just perfect with this glass of cold milk. I didn't realize how long it has been since I ate."

"How long did you last eat?" Walter asks.

"For about six months, I usually just slept 4-6 hours a week on a busy hunting schedule. I have done an odd 8 hours on a really taxing mission. It usually entails the undead in some form," she replies.

"What do you like to eat Miss Meabh?" Walter asks making eye contact.

"Rare steak, fresh fruit and vegetables then of course, sweets, "she laughs. "Walter, why does Alucard find me so hideous? Vampires hate me but from trying to kill them and siding with humans. Even though they find me beautiful just some are jealous when they find out I was born like this and they had to change. They wished to be born without a 'Master' and know all they know from birth."

"When did you know you were Dhampirica?"

"I had my final changes just short of my eighteen birthday. The need not to sleep or eat. The completion of my complicated vision and my slow regen healed more damage at the same rate. Yet compared to a weakling vampire, I wouldn't last."

"Well...well...well if it isn't a cookie monster. Speaking of weakling, Walter half breed needs a field test on shooting then a mission. I don't feel comfortable with her protecting Sir Hellsing," the vampire dressed in red, smirks.

"Sir Hellsing already tested her, and she is almost better than you Sir Alucard."

Alucard does a movement with his tongue and lips then speaks, "She better. As long as she had been around..."

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