daughter of (13)

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The young alpha werewolf paced along an edge of the loc. Meabh decided he just needed to go away. She rose up in the water and let all of her breath be pushed out by her lungs then dived down. She then began to swim underwater, the removed air helped to keep her down farther as the lungs didn't act like balloons. With her heightened telepathy she located the Werewolf's current location. Meabh headed in the opposite direction of her persistent opponent.

The Dhampirica was soaking wet but still silently rose up from the lake, near the bank of a wooded section. She then stepped upon the shore. Her scent was washed out so that was one less concern of hers. Werewolves and their noses...

A wind started to pick up and there would be a storm soon. The temperatures could dip low but once more, being a mutation of her powerful father, the cold wouldn't' even phase her. Her body would be cool to the touch but the effects of the cold wouldn't harm her.  It won't even slow her down.

Meabh waited a couple of hours then headed in the direction of her initial encounter with the young Werewolf. She found the old tracks and also a new set now. As she ran, her mind went back to what the bartender had told her. It didn't seem the pack hunted the locals but more likely unwary visitors, which she fell into that category. Yet why would she be warned to get back in her car and drive away? Wouldn't the man at the pub be trying to keep her around by stalling?

The 'young' woman reached the top of the mountain side and then pulled her rumpled map out. The map didn't indicate anything special or stood out. Yet that didn't mean there wasn't an old ruin of a keep or something that the locals don't bother to place on it. Or don't want to place it on the map? Meabh began to situate in her head, the locations of where all the missing people had been last seen.

Just outside the village, hiking trails and along the road that was isolated from peering eyes. With being in Were form the wolves could cover great distances and the Dhampirica figured that not all missing people are found or bodies located. Some could become members of the pack. What if the vampire in charge of them wasn't keeping track of all the kills? The Werewolf pack could be getting too large for the area. The kills were spilling over and getting noticed by groups like Hellsing. Maybe the pack didn't believe Hellsing would reach this far or didn't believe about Hellsing's trump card...Alucard.

'All Father' must get one hell of a kick out of the sheer horror when he arrives on a scene. He is the monster of all monsters. You had to be brain dead not to feel his dark aura of power. How he loves to roll his aura to increase the mind numbing terror. Then a bratty thought crossed her mind...what if I now have an aura to roll?

Meabh closed her eyes, as to concentrate better and then reached out with mind as if doing telepathy. She felt the energy surge in her body from all that she had stolen from Alucard. A black aura spread across the rocky ground then pulsed like an inky wave made from a rock tossed in a lake. The shadow tendrils ungilated from her body in wisps like she had seen with Alucard. It was a baby dark aura rippling with dark energy but compared to not having a real aura per say, it was impressive. Meabh only had a slight bluish aura when she repressed her human aspect and let her vampire heritage come free from her control.

A dark menacing voice once again crept into her mind, "A power roll of an aura, little one? I am beginning to be impressed. You are much more capable than my fledgeling...'

Meabh waited for the next part as she knew exactly what he was going to prod her verbally with. 'Then again the police girl was completely human when I created her. She was a mortal and fragile human not like you half breed...'

"Yeah, what the fuck ever..." she mumbled out loud even though Alucard simply read her thoughts.

'Hmm, yes what the fuck is taking you so long? I am getting bored with you not around," he chuckled darkly. 'And our mutual master has been in a terribly wicked mood too. The Wild Geese might not survive her constant commands to practice and start to run through new training scenarios."

Dhampirica ¤ (polyamory Hellsing)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu