Prologue: The minimalist girl will take everything!

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It was the usual afternoon in Vietnam. Like most of the days, the street was bustling with motorcycles, and the air was filled with pollution.

There was a supermarket on the side of the road, between many other buildings in the city. Nothing was unusual about it aside from the slightly big size. Inside, people were walking around with their carts, buying their stuff and minding their things. There was a mother with her child crying over a toy, the guy who bought a lot, the guy who bought a little, the dad who went out to get milk, and there was a girl who only wandered around purchasing nothing.

An average person might think that she had just entered the place and hadn't picked anything up. But in truth, that girl had been walking quite a few laps around there already, and she was searching for free food stalls to leech something to eat.

"Hello! Fancy trying out some of our vegetables? You can consider buying some later!" Said the saleswoman.

"Okay." But she only came for the trail food; she had no intention of spending her money.

The girl put bits of boiled carrots and potatoes in her mouth, the amount didn't even fill two gulps of water, but it was food nonetheless, and she planned to continue looking for free food until her stomach was satisfied anyway.

A little to one hour later, she exited the area. Having finished her dinner for the day, she headed toward her home. People might be asking why wouldn't she buy food? Even the cheapest instant noodle was better than roaming around hunting food. But, it was her habit; she liked to strain herself by not spilling out any money unless absolutely necessary. The girl herself didn't know why she had to do that; she just became such a person sometime in the past.

On the way back, she sometimes stopped to pick random things on the sidewalk or the road.

-Oh! That's a rather big stone! Let's bring it back.

-Oh! 500000 Dong, who dropped this? Well, it's mine now.

-Oh! This is a nice phone, I take.

-What's in this black bag? I'll check later. Whoops, it's heavy.

When she crossed a street, a truck came close, although the red light was still on.

"Ah! That was dangerous, fortunately, I'm already on this side. Nice truck by the way."

Just like that, she grabbed anything that caught her attention and arrived home with an impressive load on her hands and back. But, of course, she only took them when nobody was watching.

The house she was staying in was not all that good-looking. Actually, it was ugly and shabby, the girl just bought an unused garage, swept it up a bit, made some furniture out of scraps and junk and that's it, no paint, no window, no electricity. She went with the bare minimum, like what she always did. But ignoring the house for a moment, she also got a spare piece of land behind the repurposed garage to store her stuff.

It was an area of one hectare, and there laid everything the girl had collected throughout the time she moved here. Those things were arranged correctly into lines or rows according to type. There was money, old toys, shovels, axes, crowbars, and so on. Basically anything someone can call out, and a pile of trash, too.

She sat on a chair, looking at a stack of paper.

-Hmm... I have unfinished homework... It's best to do it, but I don't want to write that much... She thought about the pile of works.

To be clear, she was no lazy student. On the contrary, she was both hardworking, intelligent, and energetic; thus, she was admired by many of her friends. However, the girl valued the ink to its single drop, so she had a hard time deciding whether to do her assignments or not.

As she was still deep in thought, a few footsteps disturbed the process.

"Damn... you Phan Thi gang keeps disturbing me." The girl turned to the entrance.

"Say the bitch who steals our goods all the time." Said one of the men in the mafia group.

"You dropped those, it's your fault, and I'm not going to spit out a thing in my collection."

"Oh... so you've chosen, death."

"Oh... come one, go ahead if you're that confident."

The men walked to the girl. With three men higher than 180cm next to a 158 cm girl, people would likely think of this as a school violence case between a hired gang and a defenseless student. But they were not aware that this situation happened plenty of times already, and the girl wasn't weak at all.

One guy raised his hand to grab her arm, but before he could do it, the girl held his wrist and used her elbow to break his bone.

The man's arm magnificently bent downward with an almost 'V' shape in the joint, with a crack sound and his scream as a bonus.

Not waiting for him to react, the girl stepped on the guy's foot, then threw a punch in his cheek, then another in the middle of his face right after. He was stunned and fell to the ground.

Seeing the scene, the two other guys rushed to her at the same time. She took care of her right side with a jump kick, the strike hit his third leg, and he held it in pain.

She took a step back and performed a spinning-back kick. Usually, that move would hit the opponent's stomach, but the kick hit the left guy's balls because she was significantly shorter.

The girl knocked two men unconscious, having their weak spot broke. Only the guy in the middle remained. He took that chance to recover and called reinforcements.

"Brothers! She is too stubborn! No holding back today, teach her a lesson!" He shouted.

Walked out a few covers on the street were twenty men, all of them holding guns.

"Whoa... You brought a lot of hot stuff today. Where did you get all that?" She was amazed.

"Get her! We'll deal with the cops later!"

Bullets flew, casings ejected, and gunshots were heard. The girl quickly ran and hid in the back door of the house.

Some of the gangsters moved closer into the house. She dashed to a chest in her storage area.

The box contained an M1911 and five 7-bullets magazines loaded with .45 ACP FMJ. She took the gun and loaded it, then threw the remaining mags to the doorframe, where she would stand and shoot.

The girl sprinted back to the door, took a quick aim, fired three rounds and hid.

The shots all killed their foes with a wound right in the middle of their brain. The gang returned shots, but all missed before she took cover.

"What in the world... How could you headshot without even aiming properly!"

"It was a hard time getting these bullets, can't waste them."

The girl used up the mag. She flung the emptied magazine out, then bent down to pick the next one and reloaded.

Every shot she took killed a person. No matter what, not a single bullet slipped. Soon enough, the girl reduced her enemy number to six, and the gang leader was furious.

"That's the last straw! I'm not taking this anymore! Eat this!" He sent a round object through the door, and it landed with a click.

"Huh? Oh shit! Frag grenade!" Was her last words before her body got torn into pieces by fragments.

---------------------------------------Author's notes------------------------------------------

I hope that this is a decent prologue.

By the way, I need some beta-readers. So here's the deal, you get to read chapters early, but you also check it at the same time. If you're interested, please tell me in the Discord server.

Invite link:

P.S. I think that Wattpad doesn't support bold, italic, underline, strike-through, and table so some part might be a bit confusing for you guys. However, that's just my thinking, if you know of those features, be sure to tell me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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