the first chapter

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'New year, new me.' That's exactly what Elsa though walking into school on that freezing Monday morning. The old brown bricks of the school now covered with a thick frosty layer of ice that formed over the holidays. but it aside from the new winter look, still dense with the same dull, boring atmosphere that stuck even the months before. Same people, same classrooms, same drama. unescapable. She walks swiftly into halls, brushing the coldness from brown furred lined trench coat and shaking the freezing snow that lay rest on her black leathered boots whilst trying to find a safe, familiar face,'Rapunzel, finally.' She thought at the sight of a blonde, timid girl. Walking up to Rapunzel, the girl turned and her face lit up insight of her friend, extenuating her big, bright green eyes and a smile that was warm and welcoming. Rapunzel wore a similar coat to Elsa, but was black lined with a dark grey fur. Elsa embraced her friend into an overly excited hug. 'Elsa, it feels like I haven't seen you in forever, how amazing was that party last weekend? I had so much fun, Its freezing today don't you think? I cannot wait for summer i'll tell you that!' Rapunzel energetically met Elsa.

' I love you Punzie, but it's a Monday morning. Please slow down.' Laughed Elsa as she gestured for them to start walking to their class, the time before the lesson was drawing closer. The pair then continue to gossip about their weekend doings whilst walking down the blue painted hallways.

Maths was not the first thing Elsa would of chose to do this morning. Sat in a cold classroom for an hour? no thank you. Her ethereal platinum blonde hair chucked into a loose French plait, slumped over one shoulder and the hint of redness hid under her crystal blue eyes show signs of the recovery process from the holiday celebrations that underwent at the weekend. Distracting herself from the maths, she thinks back to the shots and the music of that Saturday. A clear vision of Elsa dancing on top of a wooden oak table with a bottle of whiskey in her hand, wearing just a little black skirt and black crop top made her cringe and awake from her daydream. 'Not the best example to set for yourself Elsa' she thinks whilst packing away her stuff from the end of maths.

Her lessons dragged on until it was finally time for lunch. Walking the gossiping halls to the cafeteria , all she could hear about was the party. really? was that all people could talk about? She found Rapunzle on the regular table accompanied by Merida, the usual. They were both picking at the arrangement of fruit that lay in front them. 'Punzie, obviously!' She was the most extra, always bringing a whole shop with her to share with everyone. Elsa walks over to join her friends. 'Ahahaha Elsa everyone's talking about you kissing jack in front of Gaston at the party on Saturday' Merida laughed as she took a big bite into her already half eaten apple. 'It was totally a power move' Punzie added. 'yeah, well hopefully they shut it soon, Jack Frost is not the type of person I want to be associated with.' Elsa finally stated. 'Just don't get why you chose him to kiss Els' Merida said after reaching for the grapes after finishing her apple. 'It wasn't that I chose him Mer. I was drunk, I just grabbed anyone. Besides I knew he would be down seen as he is the biggest fuckboy around.' Elsa defend as she cringed at the flashback in her head. 'Ahaha just don't fall in love with him, hes been round all of us sadly Els.' Punzie guilty laughed.

After lunch the lessons went quite quick. Thankfully. Elsa rushed home and started her homework. Her evenings were always jam packed with things she had to do. Elsa lived in a 5 bedroomed dethatched house over looking a view of the city. The view from her bedroom was spectacular, even better at night with the millions of city lights sparkling in the distance. The rest of her room was a pale blue shade painted with big white snowflakes that danced around her room. It was magical. after her homework she hurried and got changed ready for the gym, filled her water bottle with ice cold water and jumped in her car, an old green jeep, slamming the door closed behind her. By the time she was finished sweat dripped down from every pore. All she could think of was a nice cold shower then bed. The shower, cold as ice, sent sensations down into her back whilst washing off the sweat from the tough session. Nothing felt nicer to her. After the shower she looked in the kitchen to find a plate of cold food left out by the maid with a little yellow sticky note on it that read, 'Your kind mother and father are away on business again, I've seen to it that your sister is well looked after hopefully asleep by the time you're reading this. Just put your dinner in the microwave for 3 minutes to warm it up, or have it cold I know you like that. Please at least try to be in for dinner tomorrow, love Nana.' Elsa sighed at the note then proceed to place the plate of food in the microwave. A wave of exhaustion came over Elsa. giving her the signal it was time to go to bed.

There she was laying bed, thinking about how repetitive her life has been up to this point. Boring or in another word, unfulfilling. Elsa, the girl that has no problem getting the guy or the grades, yet. She still longs for more, for something exciting, new. She's never been in love, sure guys have been in love with her but it never felt right. All the partying and all the training, just to feel something, anything. But its always the same. Longs for that right thing, the thing that makes her heart race, the thing that finally makes her complete. But until that thing comes, she stays in her routine.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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