He facepalms, clearly making light of this situation. "I am so sorry but my love, I do not think you have common sense at all in this situation."

"My love?", I ask, clenching the knife harder.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was told to use endearing terms during my next job and you just happened to be my next job. It's alright if you aren't fine with it. I am not fine with it either but I've got to make a living."

"How did you get into my house?!" I'm screaming and sweating now. I am literally about to cry.

"Renwil, dear, please put the knife down and I promise you, I will talk."

"Bro, you better start talking because I am not putting this down!"

"I work for an underground association. We keep this sort of stuff in check."
"What sort of stuff?!"
"Could you please just calm down?!" He gives me an awkward smile which clearly betrays his tone of voice. Imagine, the burglar implying that I'm the one trying his patience.

"Look, it is company policy that I absolutely do not step in unless there is a problem. Trust me, Renwil, I tried. I tried to make sure there was never going to be a problem in the first place. I kept putting those friendly notes to warn you about Poppy in a way that still wouldn't give the situation away."

"Friendly notes?" I cringe. "Are those cringey stalker type colourful notes what you're implying?"

He nods, "I try my best, okay."

"Warn me about Poppy how? And why?"

"Poppy is in cahoots with a mind witch and I know this sounds pretty stupid but-"

"It sounds pretty stupid." I say.

He snaps his fingers like he is absolutely loosing his cool and then he kicks against the kitchen counter angrily. 

"Of course it sounds stupid, Renwil dear! Of course it sounds stupid. This is exactly why they keep telling me not to step in until the weird supernatural problems start manifesting. And that ... that right there is the problem! If you set of absolutely stupid human beings ... I did not mean that my absolute Renwil, love, would actually pay attention to the notes I leave and stay away from certain entities, then I would never have to go through looking like a fool while explaining to you why your life is in danger! All this is your absolute fault and I know you will not believe me until one of your friends start hurting you for no reason!"

He's breathing fast and sounding very tense. His face is red and he wipes the sweat off his forehead with the hem of his shirt. 

"Um..." I am so very confused. 

He hands me my phone back. "Here, just take it. Send whatever stupid text it is that you want to send to Jael. This is my job. I have gone through this episode countless times. Do the stupid thing your heart wants you to do, go on. Don't say I didn't warn you."

I swiftly take my cell from him. My first thought is to call 9-1-1.

"Ha!" He laughs, "You want to call the emergency number now, of course you do. I'm absolutely used to this. I've been arrested several times even. If you would just listen to me and do what I say, we'd handle this situation a lot more faster but no, you always have to go through the disbelief first. Ah, the lot of you." He's laughing to himself now and he does it in such a way it feels like I am being mocked for being a stupid girl.

Still holding the knife, I ask, "Who did you say you were?"

"Andryc. Andryc Kaniel. Everyone in your school knows me as Andy Black."

"You go to my school, yeah?"

"Only just recently, so I could keep an eye on you." He leans on the kitchen counter and holds his head in his hands. "Go on now, call the police. Let's get the disbelief stage over with."

I frown and speak softly. "What are you saying ... and why does it sound like I am an absolutely stupid person?"

"Because you are." He says with a frutrated expression and a tired voice. He stops and murmurs to himself. "No, no I am supposed to be nice and use endearing words."

He looks at me again. "Renwil, dear, you aren't."

"Why shouldn't I text Jael?"

"Because she absolutely hates you. You subscribed to Poppy's emailing list did you not? Do not even answer that, you probably did."

"Um..." Yeah, I probably did.

"Poppy ... she uses trickery to get people to sign each other ... themselves even to um... to sell themselves to this woman ... Vililah Carpenter, who sort of toys with their minds."

"I should believe what you're saying right?"

"Of course you should believe every word that's leaving my mouth right now! She feeds on people's sanity and you've just sold your friends off to her."


Andy laughs, "And she's going to give you and your friends one hell of a time until all of you finally go insane."

I shift backwards, scared a bit.

"But that is what I am here for. It's my job to help you tackle her before it reaches the crazy stages. I am also supposed to be patient and um... nice to you I guess to make it easier for you to figure this out."

The front door clicks open, "Willie, I'm home! I was expecting a package earlier did ..."

"Ah, your Mom is home." Andy says.
I don't move. I stand there holding the knife toward Andy, "No Mom, I think your delivery might be late."

"Goodness gracious, and I sped home all excited for no reason," I listen to Mom complain, hearing her as she takes off her shoes and drops her keys.

"Get out of my house." I whisper in a grave tone. 

I watch Andy open the back door and disappear behind it. "Disbelief stage," He mutters to himself.

I throw my weapon into the sink, feeling a headache incoming. What the heck was that even?!

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