Adora just clears their throat; there's something they need to say before anything else.

It's time to re-introduce themself.

'Hi,' they say, smiling at their friends, 'I'm Adora. I'm– I'm a lesbian, I'm non-binary, and my pronouns are they/them. It's... uh– it's nice to meet you. Again.'

Bow and Glimmer are still for a moment, but nowhere near long enough for Adora's doubt to set in, and then all at once they have to hold each other down as they start bouncing in place on the sofa, unable to contain their excitement. Adora sucks in their lips, trying not to break out into a massive smile, and looks at the floor between them and their friends while they flounder on the sofa.

As soon as Bow manages to calm Glimmer down enough to stop her from screaming, he clears his throat, and speaks through a barely concealed grin, 'Hi, Adora. It's awesome to meet you again.' Glimmer looks like she's about to interrupt but Bow clamps a hand over her mouth, barely containing a laugh as Glimmer struggles to remove it. 'My name's Bow! I'm bisexual, trans, and my pronouns are he/him.'

Adora really struggles not to burst out laughing as they extend a hand for Bow to shake, which he does with the one that isn't occupied with silencing Glimmer. They shake once, firmly, and the sparkle in Bow's eye tells Adora that they never had anything to worry about.

Glimmer clears her throat next to Bow and Adora turns to face her next, giving Glimmer their full attention. 'Hi, Adora,' she starts, brushing her fringe out of her face, 'I'm Glimmer, also bisexual, and my pronouns are she/her.' Glimmer extends a hand, just as Bow did, and Adora takes it easily. Rather than shaking, Glimmer squeezes and pulls Adora forward and, trying not to laugh, rushes out, 'now tell us what the fuck we missed last night!'

'Glimmer!' Bow chastises his girlfriend through a wide smile, 'give them chance to explain! We did sort of put them on the spot.'

'I know Bow! But come on!' Glimmer whines, turning to face him on the sofa next to her. Adora just rolls their eyes, picking up their stuff from next to the chair. 'You've got to be dying to know what happened just as much as I am.'

'Okay. Maybe I am,' he holds up a finger just as Glimmer's about to burst again, 'buuut we should still give Adora the space to tell the story in their own time. Right?'

Glimmer pouts dramatically at Bow, and Adora uses the distraction to carry the chair back over to the dining table. They sit in it, hiding their face behind their hands as they contemplate what to tell their friends.

A giddy kind of happiness courses through Adora every time their friends use the right pronouns for them, and they take a moment to just bask in how right it feels to be referred to in that way, as well as how accepting and awesome her friends are just in general. Maybe they'll grab them something from the coffee shop when they drop Catra's keys off to her after this.

The sound of two chairs being pulled away startle Adora enough for them to peek through their fingers. They watch as Bow and Glimmer take their usual seats, looking at them with patience. Well, Bow's looking at them with patience. Glimmer kind of looks like she's two seconds away from shrouding the room in darkness and pointing a lamp at Adora to demand the story out of them.

Adora closes their eyes, thinking back to the night before. It was just so... so nice to spend time with Catra like that; and Catra herself was amazing. Just, everything about her. Adora can't help but picture Catra again in her cropped tank and very short sleep shorts, making soft noises while Adora gently pets her ear...

They peek through their fingers again. Bow and Glimmer both have their phones out and are glancing between them, each other, and Adora.

Definitely not suspicious at all.

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