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'Fucking hell!' Catra groaned into her sofa as soon as she face-planted into it after just walking through her front door, having locked up the café and gone shopping with Scorpia, and immediately vaulting herself onto the furniture to hide.

Scorpia paid no mind to the athleticism of her feline best friend, instead busying herself with scouring Catra's kitchens for any sign of the pots she needed to make enough chilli for them to eat tonight and to last Catra another few days, at least. Catra would need to help when it got to the more fiddly parts of the cooking process, but Scorpia was a master at cutting up the peppers and onion.

'Scorpia!' Catra yelled for her anyway, almost stunned by her best friend's silence. 'Did you see her today!?'

Scorpia giggled to herself like a woman with too many secrets for her own good, 'I did, wildcat, I was the one who came to get you from the break room, remember?' She started unloading the shopping bag of ingredients, lining everything up in the order she would need it.

'Thank fuck you did. I don't know what I'd have done if Lonnie was the one to come through and tell me Adora had been in and was sporting a fucking haircut!' Catra yelled the last part into one of the cheap cushions on her sofa, kneading into the softness of the furniture if only to try and work out the urge she'd had to quell for the entirety of her shift to go back and run her hands through Adora's hair. Again. 'It was so fucking soft! And she smelt amazing! She must have only just showered and I want... fuck.' Catra poked her head up to gaze at the scorpion woman currently peeling a red onion, 'and then she was talking about me, and I could hear every word and—fuck, Scorp, I think she likes me back.'

Catra had frozen on the spot when she'd heard Adora start talking about her. Some of what the blonde had said was still swirling around her mind, taunting her, daring her to take the next step into whatever-the-fuck it was that was happening between them.

She's really sweet...

I just want to stare into her eyes all the time...

I want to scratch behind her ears...

I want to know if her tail is as soft as it looks...

I want to kiss her, so bad...

Catra had stood still just listening for so long that the drink she'd been making had overflowed onto the floor, which was exactly when Adora had chosen to look over at her. And, Catra, because she's a little shit, had waggled her ears at her. The face Adora made told Catra that she knew. She knew that Catra knew. If anything, Catra saw it as fair game. She'd accidentally told Adora she had a crush on her, and now Catra had overheard a long list of Adora's wants. It was simply the universe righting itself, and Catra didn't know what the fuck to do in the fallout of it.

Adora hadn't texted yet.

Truth be told, Catra hadn't planned to start regularly texting Adora. It had been a nice distraction from her icky illness, but then once she was better she just... kept replying. Catra had tried telling herself that Adora was only doing it because she felt bad about having to take care of her that first day, and was doing everything else to make up for it. But after seeing Adora, carding a hand through her hair, seeing the face of absolute bliss on Adora's face when she did, and then hearing all of that. Catra now knew that at least some of what she was feeling was being reciprocated. At least, she thinks it is, but Adora still hasn't texted yet and it's making Catra doubt herself.

She watched as Scorpia made a show of placing the cans of chopped tomatoes and mixed beans on the worktop in Catra's direction and, pretending like she doesn't always do it, Catra groaned and rolled off of the sofa to go and help her friend.

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