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A/N: TW / CW for homophobia and transphobia in this chapter! It starts around "Oh, look, it's Adora" and ends around "But one girl stayed behind".

Adora hasn't told anyone this yet, and by this point is pretty sure she will never tell a soul, but ever since she accidentally kinda maybe clued Catra in to how she feels about her, Adora's been doing some reading.

Well, more reading.

She's never crushed on a hybrid before, not like this—not this intensely—and the absolute last thing she wants to do is somehow be unprepared to deal with any specific needs that Catra has that she might overlook. Adora's been an absolute mess on dates with regular old humans before, which means now that she's asked out a hybrid (well, not just any hybrid, a magicat, Catra. Adora's still kind of in disbelief that she said yes) she wants to be prepared and ready and really, really doesn't want to mess it up.

However, none of the hybrid-specific articles actually have any dating advice, or useful ideas for where to take a magicat on a date. Instead, Adora finds herself reading through more mundane articles of generic date ideas in the Krytis area.

Glimmer would murder her if she found out, but Adora's so clueless about what to do she ends up reading through a rather obvious clickbait article titled Top 10 Gay-stenations in Krytis. Really, she should just ask her friends for advice, but Adora was kind of doubtful that she'd even get this far, so in spending all that time psyching herself up enough to actually ask Catra on a date—not to mention a few hours last night just kind of looking at herself in the mirror—Adora didn't actually consider the where of the date.

Adora sighs when she reaches the end of the stupid article, that was more than likely written by someone who hadn't even been to any of the places (and was more than likely not even gay), before turning off her phone and placing it in her locker. Catra hadn't texted anything more since the heart emoji, which Adora may have stared at for a bit too long and probably read a bit too much into, but she had a tennis match to limber up for and then needed to get out of the locker room to play it. She hoped that Catra would find and sit with her roommates, but Adora wasn't really sure if she would sit with them even if she did find them. Catra didn't know them, after all. And, even though the stands were nowhere near as full as they would be during the actual matches, they were still pretty big and the chances of Catra seeing and sitting with her friends were fairly low.

Sure, the match was only a pre-season one and would mainly decide who would play singles and who would be paired up in the real matches against other Universities, but it would still be taken seriously by her coach and teammates.

Not that she really wanted to be paired with most of her teammates, they were kind of—

'Oh, look it's Adora!' Came the hushed whisper from behind her, followed by more whispering and giggling. Adora stiffened, taking a deep breath before they inevitably spoke up and— 'Still wearing the boy's kit, Adora? Whatever, weirdo, suit yourself.'

mean. They were kind of mean. Inexplicably so. Adora had checked with their coach, she was allowed to wear the kit she was most comfortable in. Coach had even mentioned that the boys could wear the girls kit if they so pleased, it didn't matter to her as long as they wore the Krytis Uni colours and didn't make fools of themselves.

That certain posse of giggling whisperers also fell silent whenever the coach was around, which Adora had noticed, but she didn't want to cause a fuss by saying anything. They weren't harming her, not physically at least, so she could put up with it as long as they just left her to—

'And what's with the shit hair? Are you trying to look like a boy?'

'Just leave me alone, please,' Adora mumbles toward her locker, just hoping that those girls will leave her alone and not continue to pester her before her game. She takes a deep breath, trying to just ignore their words and calm herself down.

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