Chapter 7: trouble

Start from the beginning

" sure as long as you don't get caught" he said pulling her in for another kiss before she pulled away then climbed off the bed to look for clothes to wear

Eventually Mia and Nick arrived at the precinct where the Captain was waiting by his office door for Nick, Nick logged onto his work computer and showed Mia everything that she would need to look into the people on her lis. Nick told her where the coffee was before giving her a kiss on the forehead then went to talk to the captain. Mia wore a green striped tank, a pair of jeans, a white cardigan, a dark green coat and brown boots that laced up at the back as well as a brown tote bag. Since they were in somewhat of rush that morning to get ready Mia decided to leave her hair in its near curly state and simple place a mint coloured jewelled hairband to keep it out of her eyes which made it look messier and carefree. Her eye make was heavily black and smokey and her lips were simple light pink colour. She began to look through her list of people when she was suddenly interrupted

" Hey Nick, you'll never guess what's happene- woah you're not Nick" Sergeant Wu said as stopping when he realised that there was unexpectedly a beautiful female in Nick's place

"no I'm Mia Nick's girlfriend, actually we've met before during one of your case about a guy who blinded his victims" she said spinning on her chair to see him after she changed the screen and cancelled all the files she had opened on his computer

" where is Nick and why are you on his computer?" he said finding it weird that a strange was on a detectives computer, although he did remember her from that case

" he's in the captain's office and I was just checking my facebook page, he said it would be okay" she said trying to act innocent so that he wouldn't think she was up to something

" hey Mia, you ready to go? oh hey Wu what's up?" he said knowing that Wu would only beee at his desk if something had happened with their case

"we've got a mini crime wave situation going on, there has been a ton and by that I mean a crap load of 911 calls reporting violent assault and property damage downtown. From the calls they sound drug fuelled similar to what me and Frank ran into in that house the other day" he told Nick knowing things were about hit the fan and get worse for the already busy police force

" Lilly O'Hara is still missing" he said thinking out loud that she could have something to do with the sudden rise in crime in the streets of Portland as well as the Cracher- Mortel that was running around infecting people

" if this keeps up, I'm going to run out of uniforms" he said knowing that the majority of his force was out on the streets trying to contain it but most of them were getting hurt

" ok I'll come... I'm sorry but I'm going to have to reschedule breakfast" he said turning to Mia who was still siting on the chair facing him, she stood as she grabbed her things

" its fine,you clearly have bigger fish to fry than me but please do me a favour and be careful because by sounds of it its the Cracher-mortel and his zombie minions" she said creating a side plan in her head to help him out

"yeah I know that's what I was thinking too... before I forget the captain was telling me about how his Eric is in town for some unknown reason but we think he's going to make a play for the key" he told since he didn't want any secrets between them

" it makes sense for one of the most powerful members of the seven house to try and get something that would only make more powerful plus it just screams Eric" she said with distaste as she thought about the royal prince who even as a teen was unlikeable

" you knew Eric?" he said thinking that you could make that kind of statement if you knew the person on a personal level, it was like he was learning about a whole knew side of her

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