Ware ra! Roukuunin Sorotte!

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It was any other normal day for Orimura Ichika, the world's only male IS pilot. He was spending time with his friends (Minus Tatenashi and Kanzashi) in the mall, and of course they were competing in getting his attention

Charlotte:Nee Ichika, look (points at a necklace store)

Ichika:(smiles) That's nice charl, do you want one?

Charlotte:(Blushes) I-I do..

The harem:(Glares at Ichika)

Ichika notice but doesn't know what's going on. And right then...

???:Oiii!! Ichika

They heard a voice coming from behind them, they turn around and sees Dan and Ran

Ichika:Oh hey Dan, Ran, How's it going?

Dan:(smile wide) oh just the usual, we were just walking by when Ran was nagging me non-stop about wanting to talk to you

Ran Blushes

Ran:Okay I was not- *BOOM*

Suddenly, there was a explosion not far from them

Cecilia:Oh my heavens!

Houki:What was that!?

Laura:Maybe Phantom Task?

Rin: Really!? But why now!?

Meanwhile the two boys said nothing but looked at each other and nodded then ran towards the explosion while the other girls follow

{At the explosion scene}

The group arrived at the explosion scene and we're immediately attacked by weird robots, they obviously fought back

Rin:what the hell are these!? Your sister's creations!? (Exclaims at Houki)

Houki:How would I kno-

Dan&Ichika: There're Tojitendo Soldiers!

The girls looked at them confused

Laura: Tojitendo?

Dan: there're an evil robot organization that tried to take this world before!

Meanwhile, the commander on the other side spoke

Timetopia: That's right time! It's time to turn back the clock on you guys!

The commander shot a ray at the two boys but Ichika pushed Dan out of the way causing him to only get hit and smoke covering him

The girls:Ichika!

As the smoke clear, Ichika is revealed with brownish hair, in a white jacket with four other colored stripes and jeans

Timetopia:Wh-wha-what!? Why do you look familiar!?

The girls are AGAIN confused, Dan had to break it to them

Dan:Well.... Looks like the time has come.... Goshikida Kaito....

Ichika or rather Kaito sigh

Ichika/Kaito: Yeah sure, throw me the gearlinger...

Dan:(Throws him a gun) Here, don't break it again

Ichika turns around and smiles

Kaito: I'll try Secchan. I'll try....

He got the gun and pulls out a gold gear with the number 45 on it. He opens the lid on top of the gun and inserted the gear on top and close the lid

[YonJuGou Ban]

Ichika/Kaito: Change Zenkai!

He spun the lever making the barrel spin. By now everyone except Dan was intrigued on what's going to happen next

Ware ra! Roukuunin Sorotte! (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now