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'The Dekusquad? Yeah, no, they're the innocent ones of U.A! They all have perfect grades and are such good role models!'

. . .

Locking his door behind him, Izuku slid down to the ground. As much as he loved being a hero-in-training, the work that just kept piling up was stressing him out. It was like his teachers loved to watch him struggle with it all. He would walk into class with dark circles under is eyes and hand things in at the last moment - usually at early hours of the morning. There was no escaping the endless stream of work, and quite frankly, Izuku didn't know how much longer he could handle it. He was worried he'd end up falling behind, having more overdue assignments than pending ones.

Of course, he wasn't the only one feeling like that. Pretty much all of his classmates were stressed and exhausted. No one really knew how to cope with it, as they were all still adjusting to the change from middle school. Though everyone was struggling, the dekusquad had it the worse as it was more than just the work stressing them out - they all had their own personal issues and as a group, they had to meet up to others' expectations. They tried not to disappoint the people around them because there were far too many people to let down - too many to even count.  Even strangers on the street knew them for their courageous acts and their 'near-perfect reputation'. No matter which corner they turned, something was always weighing them down.

"You know, maybe we should take the weekend to take our minds off of things, kero." 

"Your suggestion, yet tempting, can't possibly happen. We all have assignments to finish. Too many to take a whole weekend off for an unnecessary break."

"Unnecessary?! Iida, our bodies are practically begging us to take a break!" Ochako crossed her arms.

"We could meet halfway... we spend one day taking a break and then the other day doing our assignments."

Lifting his head up, Izuku looked over at Shouto, "what would we even do? Staying here would just remind us of our assignments and then we'd end up stressing all day anyways-"

"My cousin is throwing a party-"

"NO! Absolutely not. Where there is parties there is alcohol. We shall not linger around such substances."

The room fell silent as Tenya did his iconic arm chopping. Tsuyu's suggestion had tempted all of them, and they were all keen to go. But, if they were seen anywhere near alcohol the media wouldn't shut up about it - they'd be the topic of most conversations for months, none of the talk being good. 

Sitting in silence, gears in each of their brains turned. With a look of pure concentration on all of their faces, they were determined to think of an equally great idea. 

"A party does sounds nice, despite there being so many people..."

"But the alc-"

"We just won't drink it."

Tenya fell silent, having no more protests. Shouto, of all people, had been the one to convince Tenya. Shouto - the groups very own introvert. The one person they never thought to see at a party that wasn't something his father forced him to attend. 

"So... when's this party?"

 . . .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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