Ch 85

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Jungkook had looked everywhere, tried anything to reach the other. But there were still nothing he got. And it was killing him

In the end he found himself before the cheerleaders apartment again, even though he was here before but to no vain, since no one had answered it

But this time he tried to search for Taehyungs spare key, tracing his eyes through the space outside, before he slowly crouched down. Lifting the doormat only to let out a low breath when he found a small key under


He whispered before grabbing it, not wasting time as his fingers stumbled into the keyhole, and slamming the door open after the success of opening his apartment door


He tried yelling out for the other, his steps walking further inside until he had stopped in his track. When he found the one he had been looking for on the kitchen floor. His body leaned against one of the counters as he held into his hand carefully


Taehyung almost whispered when he had looked up upon the voice. Seeing the dark haired traced in his steps as his sharp eyes had stayed on the blonde's bleeding hand. An miserable cut apple by his side as well as the stained sharp knife on the floor

"Tae-What happened- how did this happen?"

Jungkook tried to talk, before he had rushed over to the blonde. Crouching down on the floor beside him as he took his bleeding hand in his. Watching the cut tracing his palm as his crease between his brows only had deepened

"I'm sorry kook, I was going to text you and tell you I know now that, that pic isn't real. But then I accidentally cut my hand while trying to make apple bites for you and-"

"You idiot, you stupid idiot I love you so much"

Jungkook cut him off, before pulling him into his arms, his face buried in his locks as he tried to hold the other's injured hand carefully. While wanting to embrace the boy before him until nothing was able to try and- even just for a moment- try and take him away from him

"You scared the shit out of me"

Jungkook whispered into his hair, tightened his hold around his waist as he felt Taehyungs uninjured hand come up to drape itself around his neck

Jungkook slowly finished up patching up the other's hand, the bandaged around his fingers sitting closely to his injured skin as he had carried the blonde into the living rooms comforting couch

He slowly left a kiss on Taehyungs palm once he was done with patching it up, the warmth making Taehyung smile before their gazes stayed on one another

"Don't do that ever again, no matter what happens. You have to trust me okay? I would never hurt you in anyway"

Jungkook told out, his fingers caressing the other's cheek as Taehyung nodded. Slowly learning forward after to leave a sudden kiss on the dark haireds cheek

"I'm sorry"

Taehyung mumbled, but was caught of guard when Jungkook suddenly connected his lips with the other's. The gentle touch making Taehyungs cheeks grow so warm under the room

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