Portgas D. Ace

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A- Aftercare

You'll be lucky if he doesn't fall asleep right after he cums. And when I say right after, I mean within the next few seconds afterwards; it's not a rare occurrence for him to fall asleep on top of you, and while he does feel a bit guilty about that afterwards, he also thinks it's funny, the cheeky bastard. If, by some miracle, he doesn't fall asleep immediately afterwards, then he'll want to cuddle for a while, and he will most likely fall asleep during that cuddle session.

B- Body Part

On you, Ace is all about your gorgeous set of eyes, and no matter what your opinion of them is, Ace is going to think that your eyes are the most beautiful things in the world. He loves the way that your eyes shine when you're happy and seeing them clouded over with lust drives him absolutely wild.

On himself, he's confident in his entire body, and before you came along, he didn't really have a favorite part on himself. With you, however, he's fond of whatever you pay the most attention to. So, if you can't get enough of kissing those cute freckles of his, then those will be his favorite, and if you can't keep your hands off of his abs, then it'll be those, and so on.

C- Cum

It's a little watery, and there's quite a bit of it. He's not picky over where he cums, but if you want him to pull out and cum on you, he generally prefers to cum on your belly. He also not picky about what he eats, so the taste of his cum is probably not the best in the world. But, if you can work past that, his head will damn near explode if you swallow his cum after giving him a blowjob.

D- Dirty Secret

It's hardly a secret at this point, but he is prone to randomly falling asleep during sex, particularly if you two are in a position where he's on top. It's one thing for him to fall asleep right after sex but doing it during the act is a whole other affair, and he feels really bad that it happens. It's not like he can do anything to prevent it, but he'll do everything in his power to make it up to you once he wakes up, which will work in your favor, so long as you're understanding and patient with him (and he doesn't do it again).

E- Experience

This pretty boy has had a few flings during his voyages at sea, and he knows what he's doing because of that. He also knows that everyone has different preferences when it comes to sex, so he's very observant of you to try to figure out what your preferences are.

F- Favourite Position

He loves the view that he gets of your body whenever you ride him, so positions like Cowgirl, Crab, Precipice, and Shuttle are all some of his favorites.

Since he loves seeing your eyes so much, he's also fond of face-to-face positions like Gemini, London Bridge, and Elephant.

He also likes trying out positions that are a bit unconventional, just to see if there's any merit to them, and a few of those that he actually enjoyed are T Square, Dragon, Mermaid, and Snake. He's still amazed that you made it through that last one without any mishaps.

G- Goofy

He'll do anything to see you smile, and if that includes bringing some humor into the bedroom, then so be it. He'll always be serious during your more sensual sessions, but beyond that, he doesn't mind trying to make you laugh during sex. Your laughter is like music to his ears, anyways, and so long as you're having a good time, he's fine with being goofy during sex.

H- Hair

It's a bit of a mess. He doesn't really do any maintenance down there because he doesn't care to, and it's pretty unruly thanks to that. There's not too awfully much of it though, so... eh?

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