Akagami no Shanks

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A- Aftercare

Shanks is the sweetest bean when doing aftercare, kissing your forehead, telling you how good you were, carrying you to the bath and cleaning you up, bringing you food, water, another blanket, whatever you need.

B- Body Part

On himself: He likes his arm strangely enough, it's proof of his strength and he LOVES when you cling onto it. It also boosts his confidence that he's still able to do everything and a bit more with just half of the capacities of a normal human being.

On you: Now, he is a huge ass and thighs man, he could just devour those body parts on you any day, will leave TONS of hickeys. He's also the guy who always slaps your ass and every time he grabs them he goes: "mine".

C- Cum

He himself doesn't cum a lot, but he still loves to cover you in his cum. He also likes the taste of your cum and whenever you cum on him, especially if it drips.

D- Dirty Secret

He gets super turned on by getting caught, it's why he likes public sex so much. One time Benn caught you and him and he just continued fucking you while maintaining eye contact with Benn and asking him "what's up?" as if he wasn't balls deep inside you. Naturally, he got a good scolding from you after that (one which he enjoyed just a tad too much) and Benn still is scarred from that day (Who am I kidding, he's probably used to it since it happens all the time).

E- Experience

Come on, we're talking about Shanks here. That man has a lot of experience, (this is just my opinion, but he'd be the perfect partner to have your first time with). He has had a lot of sex and certainly knows what he's doing.

F- Favourite Position

69, doggy, any position where he is the bottom and can watch you pleasuring yourself at your own pace.

G- Goofy

It all depends on the daily mood, but when you and Shanks have casual sex, he'll make sure to crack a joke or two to make you laugh, sex is supposed to be fun afterall.

H- Hair

Doesn't shave but he trims. It's a tad darker than his normal hair.

I- Intimacy

He is always intimate during sex, whether he's having slow and loving sex with you or straight up pounding balls deep into you. To him having a partner means spoling them, showing them his love, so intimacy is an absolute given.

J- Jerk Off

Honestly, Shanks doesn't jerk off anymore. Well, that is if he's single. Cause he can always resort to one night stands. If he has a partner, however, he will jerk off whenever they're away from each other. He tries not to, though, but if they're away for a long time, he can't help himself.

K- Kinks

Anything really, he never thought too much about it, but over the years he picked some up where he thought: 'oh this is fun'. He likes toys, blindfolding, oral (obviously), roleplay is a huge turn on, and dom/Sub (he can be either).

L- Location

Everywhere, anywhere. Hell, if you're comfortable he'd even fuck in front of his crew. Public and semi public sex are a go! Any surface will do, even the sand, grass, wherever you are. sometimes when you manage to get him home, he'll take you on the floor as soon as the door is closed, he's so impatient.

M- Motivation

Everything?? This man is horny 24/7. Is extra horny when you are, though, you just need to tell him you're horny and he's ready to go. Has lewd daydreams about you all day, so yeah, he's just always ready.

N- No

Anything that you feel uncomfortable with, anything that could hurt you, degradation, piss and excrements, blood, and knife play.

O- Oral

Shanks LOVES oral, giving and recieving. If you give him oral, be ready because this man WILL tear out bits of your hair with his hand is free. And when he gives it, UGH, you'll never meet a man with a more skillful tongue.

P- Pace

Whatever you both feel like. He loves having slow morning sex, but also hard and fast sex after coming back home to you, especially after a long time away. And of course some passionate sex with deep thrusts to show his love, his pace varies with his moods.

Q- Quickie

All the goddamn time. He doesn't have that much time in general (except when he's got a few off days), so quickies will be a regular occurence. He'll just grab you and take you then and there, maybe pulling you into some alleyway, a bathroom stall, dressing room etc.

R- Risk

That's the entire fun in it, he wants to try as much as he can as long as it doesn't hurt you or him.

S- Stamina

He's Akagami no Shanks, he can go on forever. If you are up to it, he'd even have sex Marathons with you, his stamina really is undying and sex always fills him with adrenaline, making him super hyper and awake.

T- Toys

So fucking down. He loves trying out all kinds of toys on you (sometimes willing to on himself, with you in charge, of course), he likes it when you explore those things together. His goal is always maximum pleasure, he finds toys quite exciting for that.

U- Unfair

Shanks is not really a teaser, well, not to an unbearingly amount anyway. Though he likes the way you react and can get carried away by the sounds you make. Shanks isn't a mean tease, rather, likes making you react a certain way, complimenting you and commenting on your sounds/expressions etc. all the way through.

V- Volume

He is soooo loud omg. Does NOT care who hears, if you are fucking him good, everyone should know. Literally SCREAMS when he gets an orgasm, moans and pants very loudly throughout everything, and he cannot shut up, he will constantly talk during sex, be that dirty talk, jokes or compliments.

W- Wildcard

You both have a list with all the places you've had sex, trying your best to have sex everywhere, yes, everywhere. It doesn't matter if it's public or not, you just want to sexually claim the world.

X- X-Ray

It's size is average, but it has some girth to it, no curve, quite a few veins. About 7 inches roughly.

Y- Yearning

His sex drive used to be really high, but the older he got, the less he wanted to fuck. Shanks isn't opposed to one night stands, but he doesn't crave them as much as he used to. Now, when he and his crew land on an Island, he prefers to hang out with them. In a serious relationship, he will want you very much, but sex itself doesn't happen too often since he wants it to be something special.

Z- Zzz

Shanks is out like a light after sex. He will tend to you and do aftercare, but the sex itself really tires him out, in a good way. Meaning afterwards, he's just super relaxed and able to get some good sleep. He likes it when you stay with him too and rest your head on his chest.

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