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"Mmm, five more minutes."


Soon enough, you feel something wet on the side of your face, but because you're still dead tired, you do nothing but roll on your back, your body turning to face the other side.

Sleep wasn't granted back to you though, when you hear a loud sound, alerting you up. 

When you rub your eyes open, that's when you spot Niki directly perched in front of your face. It also seemed like the loud sound came from him - or was him, rather, seeing that he continues to cry out while he taps his paws repeatedly on your face.

That was also the time you realized he was shivering.

"Oh my god, Niki, what's wrong?" You asked, almost frantically, as you cradled the animal like a baby. As you do so, Niki nuzzles his face at the crook of your neck and basks himself in the blanket that was wrapped loosely around your frame.

However, even you started to feel cold too. When you looked around, you almost wanted to curse yourself at the fact of you forgetting what Sara had told you before she left.

'Oh make sure to fix the window later okay? I kind of crashed it down when I was practicing for Quidditch…'

How could you forget? 

Sighing, you lift yourself up from and out of the bed. But before you fix the hollowed-out window, you make sure to tuck Niki under your blanket, making sure that he's feeling warm enough and comfortable before you leave his side. When you hear his light purr, that was your cue that he was slowly trying to fall asleep.

Now, the window.

"What spell was it, again?" You bit your lip, trying to think hard so you could grab your wand from the nightstand and fix the problem immediately and go back to the warmth of your bed. But it seems like the heavens had different plans for you.

"What the fuck?!" You cursed out loud when a freezingly cold snowball landed straight in your face.

What, it's raining snowballs now?!

Feeling frustrated, you opted to look out the window to check if it indeed was raining snowballs. But when you did, another one smacked you in the face, and when you dusted it off of you, you caught sight of a moving dark figure below, and when you squinted your eyes to see it clearer, you internally screamed.

Due to frustration and the fact that you were robbed off of your deserved sleep, you clenched your fists tight as you grit your teeth.

"Fucking, Choi San, what in the hell are you doing at such an ungodly hour?!" You whisper shouted, loud enough for him to hear at least.

And he did hear, as he stops in his tracks and looks up at you with a playful grin, showcasing his set of pearly white teeth.

"You're awake, at last. Took you long enough, though." San pouts, and you swear to the heavens above, that if only you had snow in your room, you would've landed a snowball in his goddamn face. But no, you didn't, and you were supposed to fix the fucking window! Yet, here he is - living up to his name and playing stupid tricks at you.

"What do you fucking want Choi? And seriously? Throwing snowballs? What are you, a kid?" You were pissed.

"Maybe." He responds with a light teasing tone, making your blood boil even more. But you refused to burst at him and remained calm instead.

But then something else caught your attention.

"Why are you wearing flip flops? It's snowing, for goodness' sake!" You shout back at him. Is he crazy? 

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