You were just going to check if the library had the continuation to the series you were reading and, oh god did they have it. And so, you've been cooped up inside that place for three straight afternoons.

But, not alone.

Choi San was there too.

Yes, that Slytherin and his frequent glances at you. Yes, you noticed it. And yes, it bothered you. Slightly.

Anyway, Choi San would find a seat at the corner opposite you, his dark hair and figure clad in black blending in with the shadows, that you didn't even notice him at first. Not when you heard him let out a tiny sneeze, which he thought you didn't hear since he had his face hidden by a book, but you obviously did.

Since then, you didn't fail to notice the stares he'll give you and the rich smell of his perfume, that by now you're sure you'll notice his scent right away wherever you go.

Today's a Thursday and you have just finished another book of the series and you're supposed to go to the library and read it straight away, but then, you remember San.

He'll be there again.

And you don't know if you'll be able to take it. Three days under his gaze and three days with his scent filling your nose that got your head spinning — can you still manage a fourth?

You have no choice. You just swore earlier that you'll let the little blue daisy flower decide your fate for this afternoon.

And it said, yes, you're going out. 

You are going out to head to the library to read that book.

Fuck it.

But is that really the only reason you're going out, or is there something else?


Dressed in your favorite light blue sweater, tucked in one of your dark jeans, you head to the library, Niki comfortably nestled in your arms.

Once you stepped inside, you sighed internally. You weren't wrong. Choi San was here, early.

So unlike the previous days, you figured you've had enough.

Why even is he hiding from you? It's not like you'll eat him alive. No, you don't bite. If you'd ask yourself, it actually might be the opposite.

"You can quit hiding now please." You voiced out, loud and clear. From the corner of your eye, you saw him visibly flinch, but he remained still in his place.

"Choi San, I know that's you. And for your information, I've noticed you since Monday..." You softly continued as you plopped down on your usual seat at the corner opposite of him, but this time you have Niki with you.

With that mentioned, the black feline jumps out of your arms and walks to the shadows where San was. 

When the Slytherin male notices an extra bump of shadow forming on the table and moving closer to him, he shrieks. Only to realize later that it was a black cat - your cat, Niki.

Embarrassed, San was quick to clear his throat. He throws you a glance first, and when he sees you already staring back at him, he looks away, his face heating up.

"You scared me y'know." San scolds Niki in a whisper, who just meows in return. Then, the cat inches closer to him and lifts its right paw, tapping it on the male's arm.

San, having enough experiences with cats, as their family has one, immediately complies to its request. Stretching out his hand, he places it gently on Niki's head, his fingers threading the cat's black fur. 

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