Chapter 89: Dance of the Dragons

Start from the beginning

Sure enough, the queen of darkness flies between her two daughters and turns to face Lily, using her wings to shield the younger dragon sister from the older one. She continues to roar, the dragon's version of yelling or scolding one's child.

Mal looks for an opening in the trees where she could land and transform back to normal. She didn't want to do any more damage to the town or hurt anyone... even Lily. Despite the woman's attempt to attack her, Mal knew better and had to exercise maturity and level-headed thinking. Also, she is still in a lot of pain and needs to get on solid ground. She begins to wonder if Crystal or someone else could help heal her in case she had any broken ribs or something.

The road leading towards the town line and the magical barrier is the only place with enough room for her to land and turn back.

She settles on the pavement, being mindful of her claws when suddenly, there's another loud roar.

Mal looks up to see Lily again barreling towards her at top speed!

Somehow, the elder dragon daughter had somehow been able to navigate around her mother and come in for a second attack.

Mal can only let out a vague sound before the two collide again and are forced through what feels like a wall. But this wall bends inwards, like a sheet of rubber and as the two dragons pierce through it, the purple-haired teen can feel herself getting smaller and back to normal size.

In a flash, both girls are deposited onto the road outside of Storybrooke.

Mal's entire body explodes in pain when she looks up to see that Lily has basically landed on top of her. She gasps and bites her lip, trying to fight the urge to scream out. However, at this point, she's so angry, hurt, and confused that all she can do is say:

"GET OFF ME!" she says and with a big push, she shoves the dark-haired woman off her.

Lily is forced onto her side, her ribs and elbows take the brunt of it, not expecting to be thrown off by a tiny teenager. She gasps for breath too and lays back, trying to gather her thoughts.

Both of them being forced over the town line and suddenly changed back to normal was a lot on their bodies that they just lay there for several minutes. The sisters seem to embrace the sounds of the woods; birds chirping, squirrels chittering, a woodpecker pecking and the wind rustling leaves. The only other things they hear are their breathing and blood rushing through their bodies.

A new sound enters... the sound of someone who is extremely angry.

"LILITH! MAL!" the sharp voice of Maleficent shouts.

The two girls manage to sit up just enough to see the human form of their mother standing at the town line. Both her hands are on the barrier, like she wants to come on through, but something is holding her back.

"Mal, Lily are you all, right?"

Lily looks at her mother like she's insane, so says nothing and Mal is in too much pain to answer.

"I think you broke something," Mal mutters.

"Good," Lily snaps, no emotion or concern to be heard. "That'll teach you a lesson."

"What lesson?" the teen asks. "What are you talking about? You attacked me!"

"Damn right I did," the dark-haired woman growls.

"WHY?! Why the hell would you do that? What did I ever do to you?"

Before Lily can answer, Maleficent speaks again.

"LILITH! What were you thinking? What the hell were you doing? You could have killed Mal and destroyed the town."

"Good," the girl repeats. "Good riddance to that crummy little town and the people in it! All they do is treat us like villains and the Charmings are the reason I was an orphan for so long and have this poison inside of me."

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