"Maybe Miss Holly did this for me..."

After she got dressed and looked around. She looked at the clock that said, 7:35, and looked out the window to be bright. The room looked pretty normal just like her own room. She turned to the drawer area and saw the top part. There was a book sitting on top of it. When she took it, her eyes widen slightly in surprise. It was her book! The book she was trying to find. She opened it to make sure and luckily it was since her name was written on it on the back.

She opened the door while the book was in her hands and walked around. This is definitely the Kujo residence. The home was huge and beautiful. While exploring, she saw a spoon on the ground. She picked it up and looked to her side which lead to the kitchen. The fridge was slightly opened and a pile of silverware was lying on the ground. When she came closer, her eyes widened. There was Holly...lying down.


Y/N quickly ran over to her, dropping the book. She looked at her body to see if there was anything wrong. When she touched her forehead, she was burning up.

"She must have a fever! Where are the emergency supplies?! Is there a thermometer around here-"

She heard the door open a bit more and when she turned around, she saw three huge men at the door looking down at her.

"Holly..." Joseph said in worry.

All of a sudden, he grabbed Jotaro by the collar of his jacket and smashed him against the wall while screaming. Avdol quickly ran over and grabbed the small girl by the shoulder.

"Y/N, what happened to Mrs. Kujo?!"

"I-I don't know! I was just looking around and saw her lying there! I'm going to try and find something that'll try to help her!"

Avdol nodded and let her go. Y/N quickly left. As she was checking every room, she ran into a body of a man. She fell backward, landing on her bottom. When she looked up, she saw Kakyin hovering over her. He had a bandage on his head.

"Y/n, are you alright?"

He led out his hand which she shyly took. Then, she slightly remembered and took her hand back from him. The redhead's eyes widened slightly but slightly put his hand back.

"Listen, I understand what I did wrong...I was brainwashed by someone who is truly evil, but good thing Jotaro saved me...I wanted to apologize, Y/N...so..." he took her small hands into his and whispered in her ear. "Will you forgive me...?"

The girl blushed as he was holding on to her. She slowly thought about it...he sounds like he is telling the truth.

"Of course..." she hugged him. "It wasn't your fault to hurt me or Jotaro...I totally understand you, Noriaki senpai..."

He blushed and hugged the small girl back. He was incredibly guilty when he attacked her with his Stand, but actually enjoyed it when he attacked Jotaro. He was really pissed when he caught Jotaro sleeping with his cherry last night. Kakyoin suddenly spoke up.

"Y/N, you know... you can call me Kakyoin...if you like."

"T-Then Kakyoin it is." she looked at him and smiled.

𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵 ( Yandere Jojo Part 3 x Fem Reader )Where stories live. Discover now