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While I would typically be doing this on my laptop, it unfortunately has been broken, so for now I ask you bear with the formatting and any spelling errors that may be apparent.

When it comes to the general storyline;
you live on a larger island than Berk, dubbed Windthrash, and similar to Hiccup himself are the son of the chief. Where the two differ is you have never had any problems with the way of killing dragons, in fact you'd grown quite disgusted of them. As you were raised to be. The semi perfect warrior skills, and strong leadership skills had set you up to be the next Chief of Windthrash... that was until Windthrash made a alliance with Berk; the tow of Dragon loving village. The story follows the enemies to lovers trope for the reader and Hiccup. Also self enlightenment and coming to terms with trauma and guilt. Thus always to tyrants.

thus always to tyrants ( Hiccup Haddock x Male Reader )Where stories live. Discover now