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"Xela get your ass down here we are going to be late!" I hear Blake scream from downstairs.

I stand up from the floor and glance at the clock, seeing it's already 8:10.

Grabbing Ryder's hoodie that he left in here and jean shorts, I change quickly then run downstairs.

My heart melts when I see freshly made avocado toast next to my favorite; a glass of milk.

Ryder walks into the kitchen, "You look horrendous" he says teasingly. I roll my eyes, running my fingers through my hair to somewhat comb it.

"Where is d- Nikos?" I ask. "He had to leave early for work."

I nod and continue eating the toast. Last week I taught Ryder how to make it, and I must say he did a good job.

"Blake and Denny just left for school, since they didn't want to be late, so I'm taking you."

Suddenly I remembered how I hadn't gone to meet Ryder last night, I had just passed out from being so tired. "I completely forgot about our movie night last night"

He nods, "It's fine"

"No it's not. We can reschedule it for tonight?" I offer.

"Can't" is all he says, grabbing his keys when I stand up to put my plate in the dishwasher. "Why not?" I ask as we both walk out to the garage and get into his car.


I glare at him, "You're in a mood" I retort. We arrive at the school but he doesn't park, he just pulls to the front and stops. "Are you not coming?" I ask him. "No" is all he says.

"Jerk" I mumble and get out of the car, not bothering to look back or say goodbye.

"Girl did I just see you get out of Ryder's car?!" Annie catches me once I walk in the school, "It's a long story" I say as we reach our lockers.

The day goes by pretty fast, and soon I'm sitting on the bench outside waiting for Ryder. Denny and Blake both had to leave for 'work' halfway through the day and Ryder told me he would be picking me up.

It's well past four and I'm still sitting here, debating just walking home. The only problem is that Ryder lived a lot further away than I do, so I would have to walk across town.

I can hear doors opening and closing as football practice is getting let out, and just start doing my homework trying to block out the loud conversations of 50+ boys around me.

"Look who it is" I look up to see Aiden approaching me. I put my folder in my bag and zip it up quickly, standing up and walking away from him.

"Why are you running away from me sweetheart?" He comes after me, making me walk faster. I don't know where I'm going, I'm just walking to the square.

I feel my arm be grabbed, pulling me back. Aiden pushes me against a fence that is by the sidewalk. "You're little boyfriend won't take me seriously, or even set up a fucking meeting with me" he growls at me, his grip so tight on my arm I know it will bruise.

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