| eleven |

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Edward, Bella and Aleena arrived at the Swans residence not long after some tense conversation at the Cullens. Aleena huffs after circling the house spreading salts before gently going to her knees, placing her hands deep within the grass and begins chanting as Edward and Bella watch curiously.

"Whoever it was, he left his stink behind. It'll be hard to miss when we cross it again. We'll handle it from here." Edward's eyes quickly snap over to the wolf,

"We don't need you to handle anything. Or anyone."

"I could care less what you need."

"Alright, we're done here."

"No, you're done he-"

"Aleena!" Bella's shout of distress has the two arguing males stopping and turning to look just in time to see the witch hit the group.

Edward rushes over almost scowling when he smells the blood as the unconscious witches nose runs,

"Hey, Aleena? wake up." The said witch groans slightly beofre sitting up,

"Sorry, I haven't done a big spell in a while. But that will do it's best to keep bad energies out and will let me know if anything manages to get in."

"Thanks Al." Bella says softly placing a hand on the girls shoulder,

"No problem, you're my best friend. I want to help, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you befor-"

"No it's fine I get how difficult it can be sharing a big secret but you can trust me." The witch smiles tiredly at her best friend.

"I should get you home." Edward muses helping the girl stand.

"Would the pack prefer days or nights?" Bella asks Jacob, getting back on the topic at hand.


"Will days work for your family?" Edward nods leading Aleena to his car.

"Good. See? How hard was that?" Bella huffs heading inside.

"See you later Aleena." The girl just smiles at the wolf in response as Edward rolls his eyes.


"What happened?" Alice asks instantly as Edward enters the witches room with her sleeping in his arms,

"She used too much energy after not using it for a while, she'll be fine."

"I knew she shouldn't have helped." Jasper groaned taking the girl from his adoptive brothers arms and walking her to her room, happy that her mother was at work.

Sitting on the chair in the corner the empath allows himself to calm down watching his mate sleep happily and soon Alice joins the two resting on the doorway,

"She'll be alright. We'll make sure of it."

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