When they broke for air, Finn headed towards the LDB boys to join a poker game while Rory headed towards the couches where Lane, Zach, Paris, Doyle, and Jess were seated. Before she sat down she looked around, Tristan had joined the LDB boys in poker, Louise, Madeline and Summer were with Juliet and Rosemary having drinks at the bar. As she was about to relax, happy in the knowledge that everyone was mixing well, she caught Olivia's eye. She was sitting alone plugged into her ipad, so Rory got up to go investigate.

"Hey Olivia, how's it going?" Rory said sitting beside her.

"It's good, I'm glad to be getting away from work for a weekend."

"Okay, so why are you sitting all on your lonesome?" Rory asked skeptically.

"These are all Finn and your friends Rory, I'm Finn's annoying little sister to his friends that I have met before and I haven't met any of your friends properly." Olivia answered shyly, surveying the group through her lashes.

"Oh My God, Olivia! I feel awful, I just assumed that you knew all Finn's friends and a lot of the Yale girls."

"No remember you are the only girl Finn has ever brought home, friend or girlfriend."

"Okay well come join me and some of my friends on the couches. They are the calmer group. I have been best friends with Lane since the first day of Kindergarten, and Paris I've known since my first day at Chilton, we've been friends since we were assigned as roommates at Yale." Rory was dragging Olivia over as she talked.

"I heard that Gilmore," Paris stated.

"And would you disagree with it?"

"I think we became friends once Bible boy got shipped off."

"Actually I think you are right. Anyway Olivia, this is Lane, her husband Zach, Paris, her husband Doyle, and this is Jess, my sort of cousin slash ex. Also known as a giant pain in my ass!"

"Hey, I resent that remark. I am a giant pain in your mother's ass, not yours."

"That's true," Lane and Paris both replied at the same time. "Jinx!"

"Do you remember Lorelai after the car crash in High school?" Paris asked Lane.

"Hey, let's not go there tonight," Rory said, looking around anxiously. She knew Jess hated what had happened back then, and she wasn't sure how Finn would take it if he knew she had been in a crash caused by Jess. She had never hidden it from him, but she had also never had a reason to mention it.

"Hey Doogie?" Jess asked.

"Yes Dodger?" Rory responded. Olivia was watching the group interact fascinated by all the different dynamics going on.

"Ice cream in a cup or cone?" Jess asked, trying to show that he wasn't upset by Paris bringing it up.

"Cone, always a cone, Dodger," Rory gave him a kiss on the cheek as thanks for his understanding in dealing with Paris, Jess had always had a way to manage her.

"Why is my other half kissing strange men in my presence?" Finn asked, coming up behind Rory.

"It's just Jess, he barely counts," Rory said, tipping her head back to kiss Finn over the back of the couch.

"That's not what you were saying ten years ago," Lane interjected as Zach tried to silence her.

"Jeez Kim, you are on a roll tonight, car crash, kissing, next thing you will be bringing up prom," Paris said. As she said this Rory paled slightly before getting up and walking towards the bedroom at the back of the jet.

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