𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝟏 - 𝟒

Start from the beginning

I screamed, as did Potter, Weasley, and Hermione. I turned on my heel and wrenched the door open, the four of us flying out and sprinting to the end of the third floor, where the blissful light from the landing blinded our eyes. 

I bent over, hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. I could still hear the barks of the animal, echoing off the wall of my mind.

"What do they think they're doing?" I wheezed. "Keeping a thing like that, locked up in a school?"

"Alexandra, use your eyes," Hermione scoffed. "Did anyone see what it was standing on?"

"I was a bit more preoccupied with its heads," Potter replied.

"Oh, honestly, it was standing on a trapdoor," she said, annoyed, earning a "So?" from Weasley.

"So, that means it has to be guarding something," she clarified.

"Guarding something?" Harry asked, sounding slightly puzzled.

"Yes, guarding something," Hermione exhaled. "Now, if you two don't mind, Alexandra and I are going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed." The she paused, and narrowed her eyes at them. "Or worse, expelled." 

I followed her into our dormitory, still trying to comprehend what just happened, along with pondering over Hermione's words. What could the dog possibly be "guarding?" And why was it in the school in the first place? Surely there were other places it would be more secure.

Obviously the security wasn't very good if a couple of first years could get by. 

I changed into my nightgown ever so slowly, and then laid down on my horrendously red bedspread, not bothering to pull the sheets on over me. I didn't even say goodnight to Hermione as I drifted off, monsters and statues plaguing my dreams.

"One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation..." Professor Flitwick's squeaky voice came from his usual messy stack of books.

I internally sighed. Levitation. So easy, it was positively dull.

"Now, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, hm? The swish and flick. Say is with me now!"

"Swish and flick," the class mumbled. 

"Good. And then enunciate, 'Wingardium Leviosa!'"

"Wingardium Leviosa," the class voiced again.

"Very nice. Off you go then!"

And so the entire class picked up their wands, attempting the correct wand movement, but no feathers had risen yet. Then, my feather shakily began to waft up, followed closely by Hermione's.

"Oh, look!" Professor Flitwick exclaimed excitedly. "Miss. Malfoy and Miss. Granger have done it!" 

I smiled lightly at the praise, while Hermione positively beamed in pride. Draco gave me a surprised glance, which I took with disdain. Was he expecting less of me? 

I turned my head to Weasley, who had just begun whipping his wand up and down feverishly, like the feather was going to begin levitating out of fear.

"No. Stop, stop, stop," Hermione said, putting her hand over Weasley's flailing arm. "You're going to take someone's eye out. Besides, you're saying it wrong. It's Levi-OSA, not Levio-SAR," she explained to him, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

"It has to be my feather. You try it on mine if you're so clever," Weasley grumbled.

"Alright then," Hermione replied briskly, and flicked her wrist, sending Weasley's feather up like she had hers.

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