"Wilbur, by a technicality, this only means you and Tommy..." Techno points out, "Schlatt's only mad at you two, not Niki, Jack, or me.  Sally might be guilty by association-"

"HEY!" Sally shouted.

"Sorry, Salmon, but it's the truth, you're constantly at Wilbur's side, if he finds proof that Wilbur's innocent, he'll make up proof you're guilty," Techno then proceeds to grap a piece of Tupperware and a plastic fork out of his bag, and begin to eat a salad from the Tupperware.

"Did you just call me salmon and then begin to eat a salad like that was normal?"

"Well, I have to eat <i>something</i>,"

"Alright, well, we'll just find another table!" Wilbur shrugs.

"And we'll call it Pogtopia!" Tommy yells.

"And none of you traitors are allowed in it!" Sally cheers.

"Yeah!" Wilbur replies.

"Oh, wow, it's cool when your girlfriend says it," Tommy rolls his eyes.

"Shut up Tommy," Wilbur sighs.
"Hey Wilbur, your friends suck, I'm sitting here now," Techno announces at the three kids at the empty lunch table by the trash cans.

"What about Tubbo?" Tommy asks.

"He wanted to come but his dad stopped by, I don't think he's allowed to talk to you or something?" Techno shrugged.

Tommy sighed heavily and hit his head on the table...hard.

"Oof," Techno reacts...rather monotonously, "you want a potato?"

"Techno, why the fuck would he want a potato?" Wilbur glares.

Techno shrugs, "we have a crap ton at home, I've just been growing them, I think Niki dug one up,"

"I want a potato!" Sally shrugs.

"Salmon girl doesn't get a potato until Wilbur proposes, because then she's family and she gets the family potatoes," Techno smirks at Wilbur.

Sally mimics the expression.

"Why does everyone like fucking potatoes all of a sudden?" Wilbur yells.

"Because we're depressed, Wil," Tommy sighs, resting his chin on the table.

"We're not depressed, we just have to get back at Schlatt, any ideas?" Wilbur asks, trying to ignore the fact that Techno had now taken out his phone and was trying to look for a photo of the potatoes he'd been growing.

"Torture!" Tommy suggests.

"Pranks?" Sally suggests.

"Anarchy <i>and</i> Potatoes," Techno nods, not looking up from his phone.

"Technoblade Minecraft!" Wilbur yells.

"That's your full name?" Sally asks.

Techno nods.

"That's badass," she laughs.

"Thank you" Techno looks up and adjusts his glasses, "...I found a picture of the potatoes,"

"What the fuck Tech?" Tommy snickers.

"I haven't slept in four days, the potatoes were dying Tommathy!" Techno yelled.

"Alright, first meeting of Pogtopia adjourned!  Top notes; Techno likes potatoes, has a, quote, 'badass' full name, and hasn't slept in four days.  Sally wants me to propose but we're sixteen.  And Tommy is depressed," Wilbur recaps.

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