Black Coffee

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The last thing he felt was a blanket being laid over him before he fell asleep to the sounds of the movie and his two friends laughing quietly next to him. 

The room was still dark when Wilbur opened his eyes. His back was aching from the position he had fallen asleep in. He looked around, finding himself asleep on one side of the sofa, Tommy and Toby half laid over each other on the other side, sharing a small throw blanket. Wilbur held back a laugh as he stared at them. 

He reached for his phone, fully prepared to capture this moment for blackmail, only to remember that he had fallen asleep before Tommy could return it.

Shit. Rori. 

Wilbur sat up quickly, looking around the coffee table and between the couch cushions. He stopped as soon as he heard Toby groan, rolling away from Tommy before falling back asleep. Wilbur sighed in defeat, knowing he wouldn't be finding it until Tommy woke up. He stood slowly, laying his blanket over Toby before heading upstairs. 

He changed out of yesterday's clothes, sliding into fresh jeans, a random t-shirt, and a flannel. He wanted to be comfortable for his day in town with the boys. He looked over the railing to see them both still fast asleep, the sun only beginning to rise. 

Wilbur walked quietly through his flat, grabbing his keys off the counter and sliding on his shoes. He stepped into the hallway, turning to check the outside of his door for a note from her. Nothing. 

He couldn't decide which situation was worse- if she never texted him back or if she did but he didn't know. Wilbur debated the options on the ride to the lobby and the walk to his car. The air was brisk but the sun promised a day free of rain. 

The usual coffee shop across town was bustling, even at the early hour of seven in the morning. The line moved painfully slow, giving Wilbur all the time in the world to debate on whether or not he should get something for Rori. Would this modest shop even compare to anything she could bake herself? Was she even home? It was already Monday, did she have a job to go to? 

"Next!" Thee familiar cashier called out. Wilbur was somewhat of a regular here, usually coming in on mornings when he had spent all night streaming, writing, or practicing. 

"Good morning. Can I get a hot coffee, black?" Wilbur asked, looking up to the menu, still debating on grabbing a pastry for Rori. 

"Are you ever going to switch it up?" The cashier laughed, grabbing a ceramic mug while ringing up his simple order. 

"Well, it is to-go order today. Does that count?" Wilbur laughed. This was how their conversations always went. He would hassle Wilbur about his bland order, Wilbur would smile and nod, and then he would move onto the next customer. 

"Changing the cup doesn't count." He said while setting down the mug, grabbing a paper cup and scribbling on it before passing it down the bar. 

"Maybe next time." Wilbur smiled, handing him the usual five pounds and making his way to the waiting area. 

The shop was small and quaint, not too noisy either. Maybe this would be a nice place to take Rori. Was she also a black coffee person, or would she prefer a sweetened flavored one? Wilbur looked around the shop one last time before heading back to his car. The drive was much longer on his way back, the streets now flooded with cars and pedestrians making their way to their 9-5 jobs. 

"What the fuck." Wilbur groaned as he pulled up to his building, a large truck blocking multiple parking spots- including the one he had unofficially claimed as his own. He pulled around the block, parking along a side street. At least it wasn't raining today. 

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