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"Fucking twats," I hissed as I came around from the sedative.

"You never were that elegant," that familiar droning voice stated from the other side of the dim room.

"She's dead," I reminded Boss, hoping to convince her to spare my life.

"Who? The target? Or are you referring to Ms Mayfair?" She raised her eyebrows and came closer to the cell I was imprisoned in.

"Ally?" I frowned, playing dumb.

"We found her body in you back garden with the words For Billie carved into her chest,"

"That wasn't me! I shot her but I didn't write that!" I surrendered. I figured there was no point in lying now.

"It seemed quite personal,"

"IT WAS BUT IT WASN'T ME! IT WAS MINA!" I hadn't registered what I had just called her until the Boss's face twisted into a revolting smirk.

"Mina?" She whispered.

"Th... the target," I stuttered, panic taking over.

"We already know everything," she grinned, coming a little closer to the cell.

"About what?"

"Your relationship with her,"

This didn't particularly worry me. The pronoun "her" could be a lot of people. Since Billie's passing, I had been with so many different women, just to try and feel something. It didn't work of course, because whenever I was with someone, I just wanted Billie.

"You're going to have to be a little bit more specific," I snarled.

"Your involvement with Ms Wilhelmina Venable. We know everything,"

"I doubt that very much," I laughed.

"Did you not wonder how we knew to send Ms Mayfair to that flat? Or how we found you at that hill? We don't know where your wife is buried so why would we look there?" She smirked, making me understand everything.

"When did you do it?" I growled.



"The second you walked into this building. But you won't remember that, because you were sedated first,"

"You seem to be good at doing that," I snarled, "so these past eight years..." I frowned.

"We knew everything. Where you were. What you were doing. What you were saying. We were with you the whole time,"

"But you couldn't come and help me when Billie died," I spat.

"We knew about her involvement with your target too. Or should I call her your partner?"

"She's dead!"

"But that doesn't change the fact of what you did. Does it?"

"I killed her. That's what you wanted isn't it?"

"Do you not wonder why I sent you back to kill her after you shot your wife?"

"I already know,"

"Do you?" She raised an eyebrow.

"You needed someone who could do the job."

"No." She laughed, "Mrs Howard didn't want either of you to be alone. She left me a note before she went on the mission," with that, she pulled out an oldish looking envelope and handed it to me through the bars. I took the note with a shaky hand and opened it slowly, to be met with my wife's neat handwriting.

I have done something that I regret and I'm unsure what to do. I helped the target and I feel I have gone behind my wife's back to do it. I know you plan on me not surviving this mission and I'll make sure I don't, but please make sure that, if I fail and pass on, y/n and Wilhelmina are not alone and tell y/n I love her.

I'm sorry.


A single tear fell onto the page, as Boss walked from the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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