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We landed at 11am the next day. Both Ally and I were well rested, and got through airport security quickly.

We drove to the hotel, which was about an hour from the airport, and got settled in our rooms. They were huge. I had six rooms in mine, all the ceilings had to be at least ten metres high, and the bed was almost double king sized.

I unpacked my clothes and went through my equipment, attaching a silencer to the end of my rifle and taking some practice shots at various bottles I lined up.

The gun was a little big, but handled like a gem, so I didn't mind. I'd definitely worked with bigger in the past.

"Ally?" I tapped on her room door, which was on the floor above mine.

"Good afternoon," she smiled, opening her door and letting me in. Our rooms were pretty much identical, but her whiskey decanter (unlike mine) was still full.

"So the Venable file..." I began, before Ally pressed her lips against mine, cutting off my sentence.

"Hmff," I sounded, as I pushed her off me.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I just thought..."

"No!" I shouted, "NEVER TOUCH ME AGAIN! I... I... HOW COULD YOU?!"

"I didn't think you would be like this..."

"YOU DIDN'T THINK I WOULD JUST BE OK WITH YOU FORCING YOURSELF ON ME?!" I yelled, before walking from her room and slamming her door shut as hot tears threatened to spill down my face.

She knew... and she still did that...

I stormed into my room and, as soon as the door was closed, I broke down crying. My heart hurt. I crawled over to the rest of the huge whiskey decanter next to my bed, and swallowed the rest of it, before standing up and getting into my pyjamas.

I brushed my teeth and wiped off my light makeup, which was almost gone from my tears anyway, and walked back in my room, where I flopped onto the bed and sobbed into the pillow as I pulled the bobble out of my hair.

I peeled back the duvet and slid under it, trying my best not to fall asleep, but it was no use. The more I tried to stay awake, the more sleep invaded my senses, until I fell unconscious.

"NO BILLIE!" I screamed, pulling my wife close to my trembling body. Her crimson blood spilled over my shaky hands and covered my white shirt.

"ALLY HELP ME!" I yelled, applying all my body weight to my wife's bullet wound.

"Stay with me, Billie, please gorgeous," I whispered, my hot tears dropping onto her lifeless body.

"She's gone y/n," Ally whispered.

"No," I breathed, "NO! BRING HER BACK! SAVE HER!" I screamed at Ally, starting CPR on the love of my life.

I had no intention of stopping, until Ally's arms wrapped around my own, halting my movements.

"You can't save her now, it's too late,"

"No," I sobbed, dropping down against Billie's dead corpse, "no," I brushed some silky, blonde hair from her peaceful face, before kissing her softly, "I love you, darling. Please come back to me, Billie," I sobbed.

I was numb. Completely numb. I laid down next to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, where the wound was, crying softly into her shoulder.

Ally knelt down and picked me up, before carrying me to the military truck. I was too upset to fight her. I saw a few other agents pick up my Wife and put her in a separate truck.

"I love you," I whispered to the other truck following behind us. Ally's fingers laced with mine, before I felt a small scratch in the back of my neck, and was sedated.

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