Chapter 1 - 1980's

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JUST SAYING: I joined the fandom this year and don't really know much about some characters on this story. So yeah.

"You all good big man?" Tubbo asked, full of concern for his friend.

"Y-yeah." Tommy replied. In reality he felt like he was gonna throw up.

Tommy suddenly felt dizzy. Everything began to spin, and he wobbled around. Black spots clouded his vision, and the last thing he saw was Sapnap.

Tubbo POV

Tommy literally just disappeared in front of my eyes.

"TOMMY?!" I yelled out.

He can't have just disappeared.

But he just did.

What the fuck.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned and saw Karl, a face full of guilt.

"W-w-where did Tommy go?" I stuttered.

"Sapnap just wrote in my tales of the smp book. He altered reality, teleporting Tommy to a different timeline." He explained.

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

"I don't know how to fix it. It could be weeks, months, years.." He trailed off.

This couldn't be real. My best friend? In some time like the 1800's or something?

"I need to work out what timeline he is in first as well. I'll be as quick as possible. I promise. He'll be okay." Karl smiled at me comfortingly. I was honestly still processing what just happened.

"I better get to it now. See you soon Tubbo." He wrote something in his book and disappeared in front of me, like Tommy did.

"PHIIIIIILLLLLL-" I shouted. After about a minute the winged man flew down to me, an 'are you serious' expression on his face.



40 years earlier - Tommy POV

"Hey, kid, you awake yet?" A voice asked. I slowly opened my eyes, looking at a boy with long brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.

"Where am I?"

"IN MY HOUSE WHERE ELSE WOULD YOU BE?! Sorry I shouldn't have yelled. I may have come off rude."

"Nah it's okay." I mumbled, sitting up and examining the room.

The walls were a beige colour. There was an old style tv in front of me. There was multiple posters for bands like The Cure, and ACDC (aka bands I grew up with)

"Who are you?"

"Just call me Deo. What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, now have you looked at yourself? You suck at clothing choices. Come with me. We're going to the fucking mall bitch."

I went along with it, whatever was happening.

"Oh yeah do you know how to play any instruments? I wanna make a band but I have no friends."

"I mean I know a little bit of drum-"



He grabbed my arm and dragged me into a random store.

"Hmmmm. What do you think of this?" He asked, picking out a leather jacket. I half nodded, still confused.

"Ooo It would look good with this as well." He said, holding out a red and black patterned shirt. "And this!" Deo exclaimed, grabbing a pair of blue ripped jeans.

"Wait what size are you?" He asked, turning to me.

"I'm size __." I replied awkwardly.

"Bro you need to work on your fashion choice." Someone said, with another person next to him.

"Yeah I got told that by him." I said, pointing over to Deo.

"I'm Luke by the way." He said, holding his hand out.

"Tommy." I replied.

"I'm Bitzel, well that's what I prefer people to call me." The second person perked up.

"Hey Tom- oh hi." Deo said.

"Hi. I'm Bitzel, this is Luke." Bitzel said to Deo.

"WAIT- Do you know how to play any instruments?" Deo asked.

"I mean I know base-" Bitzel replied.

"Do you wanna join our band?" Deo exclaimed hopefully.

"Can I join? I also know base." Luke said.

"THE MORE THE MERRIER!" I yelled out. Something about this got me really excited.

"Cool. Also by the way I already have some songs written down so we just need to use instruments to it and yeah."

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