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*Daniel POV*

I lean back in the drivers seat of my car, letting the auto drive take over. The only reason I have it on is because Y/n is asleep, she always freaks out when I have it on.

I look back at the sleeping kids in the backseats before I hear a mumble coming from Y/n. My attention falls on her, seeing her stirring around in her seat.

The more I look at her, the more I realize she's got sweat dripping from her forehead.

She's having a nightmare.

"Y/n?" I lightly grab her shoulder, giving her a light shake.

She mumbles something lowly that no one could've understood before she starts shaking and I hear her breathing become rapid.

"Y/n, wake up baby" I start rubbing her arm, knowing that'll make matters worse but I just hope to wake her up.

Y/n quickly shoots her eyes open, sitting up straight in her lightly tilted back seat, gasping for air.

I grab onto her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze so she knows I'm here as she starts taking deep breaths to calm herself down.

"It's okay baby, I'm here" I move my hand to her back, slightly shifting in my seat to face her, so she knows she has my full attention.

Y/n's eyes go wide as she takes in the quickly passing road in front of us, then to me, then the steering wheel before going back to the road. Her jaw drops as I laugh at her reaction to the car automatically driving itself.

"Hell no, put your hands on the wheel"

"It's auto drive, baby, we're fine, nothings going to happen" I give her a little reassurance, but I smile, seeing how the car distracted her from the panic of her dream

"Promise?" Y/n looks at me, giving me a playful pout

"I promise baby"

A silence fills the car as we drive down the open road, coming closer and closer back to LA. I miss home and we've only been gone for a day and a half, it's been too long and too dramatic for my taste.

"Can I ask you something?" Y/n asks in a whisper as she looks over to me. I turn my body so I'm back to facing her, still letting the auto drive take control

"What's on your mind?" A million questions run through my head that she could ask

"What did you write in the custody agreement sent to Jack? Why was he so sure I wouldn't sign it?" And that was the one question I didn't want to answer but knew I had to eventually.

I know I have to make something up, I can't tell her the real reason why I know she wouldn't sign it.

Why did I even do that? Was my plan to get her drunk and make her sign it without reading it?

Yeah, probably.

"I just said we didn't need child support from Jack, I've been good taking care of the four of you, right? I didn't see the need to bring his money into the mix. I want to be able to show you that I can take care of us, and I didn't think Jack's money would've helped my case" Okay, it wasn't a total lie.

I don't want Jack's money, he'd somehow find a way to hold it over my head and make it seem like I owed him. I don't want that.

"Oh, that's not bad. I can agree to that" The small smile and the shimmer of hope in Y/n's eyes make my heart ache.

I hate lying to her, but I feel like I've been doing that through our whole marriage. She deserves better and I'm going to be better if I want to keep her.

"We'll set up a meeting with my lawyer and we'll get you to talk through what you want from the agreement, okay? I don't want this to be on me because they're more your kids than mine" I grab ahold of her hand, seeing Y/n's eyes water over

"Don't say that, you've been helping, you've been trying"

"I've been thinking, how would you feel about me adopting the twins? So that way they'd be mine" I have no idea where that came from but I'm willing to do it to make Y/n happy

"You'd do that?" Y/n's mouth falls open, with the corner of her lips pulling up for a small smile

"Of course I would. What's yours is mine, right?" I let my mouth pull into a half smirk as Y/n shakes her head laughing.

I love the sound of that laugh

"Do you think Jack would go for it? He'd have to sign away his parental rights" I didn't think of that, Jack would never go for that

"I'll talk to him about it" And I will, I just don't see it going as I want it to

I lean over in my seat, placing my hand on
Y/n's cheek and kissing her softly. It's nice to have a heart to heart conversation with her even if I did lie through some of it. I want to reassure Y/n that I'll fight for her and fight to keep our family together.

I don't want Y/n to live in a constant 'what if' mind set with me anymore. I want her to know I'm here and I'm not leaving. She already asked for a divorce but I want to show her that that isn't the best option. I've never seen myself in the future without her or our kids in it. I want this to be my life now, I don't want to lose it.

"I love you" I look to Y/n seeing her looking past me. Her eyes widen in fear before she speaks

"Daniel! Daniel, look out!" The bright lights of an on coming car make my head whip back towards the road

By the time I get my hands back onto the wheel, headlights blind my vision

And I know, it's too late.

That's My Baby: Season ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now