"You look nice. Where are you headed?" I asked walking down the porch stuffing my apron into my bag.

"I got some business to handle. You headed to work?" He questioned and I nodded my head yes.

"Get in" He unlocked the doors to his car.

"Thanks" I said as I circled around to his car.

"So I guess you gotta tell me where you work at now" Jay said as he backed out the driveway.

"Pancake Palace"

"That sound familiar. Where is that at?"

"That's where we went and got breakfast at after you threw that bag in my window" I replied with a slight chuckle.

"That's where you work at for real? And you haven't brought me no pancakes home? That's crazy"

"Let's not pretend like you're ever at home"

"Touché" He chuckled.

"So what business you gotta handle today that got you dressed up like James St Patrick?" I joked looking over at him. This suit really did make him look like Ghost. He looked so clean cut, I never seen him like this before.

"It's pretty ironic that you say that" He laughed, "I'm finna go see somebody about a night club"

"As in, you're about to own one?"

"I mean kinda sorta. I'm trying to invest in one."

"Okay multiple streams of income, I see you. You're really business savvy I like that in you"

"You ever been to Miami?" Jay glanced over at me taking his eyes off the road for a split second.

"No, is that where you're going?"

"Yeah you wanna come?"

"Boy bye" I scoffed rolling my eyes.

"I'm forreal" He looked over at me again.

"Boy my mom would kill me" I laughed shaking my head, "Besides, I gotta work"

"We'll be back before she even realizes you're gone and I'll pay you for the day"

"Are you being dead ass right now?" I questioned confused. There's no way he's about to buy me a ticket to Miami and pay me for my work day.


I knew this was a bad idea but turning down a day with Jordan was something I didn't want to do.

"I can't go to Miami in this" I looked down at the black jeans and top I had on.

"You look good"

"Are you sure you want me to come?"

"Call somebody to cover your shift"

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my
contacts looking for Jayda's number. I knew she was somewhere still asleep, I know I would be. The call rang a couple times before she finally answered.

"Good morning my favorite person in the whole wide world"

"Girl what the hell you want" She replied.

"Can you take my shift today?" 

"Fuck no"

"Please I'll pay you! Something came up and I can't make it"

"What came up?

I knew the only way she'd agree is if I told her I was going to be with a dude. She loves encouraging the hoe activities.

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