Chapter 4: Sweet Vengeance

Start from the beginning

"It's not my type of game, I prefer shooters or Minecraft, y'know?"

"Well, next time we can play something like that!"

They were interrupted when Jeff was hit in the head with a bat. He fell to the ground unconscious, as well as Liu.

They woke up on the cabin, with their hands and feet tied up.

"Wakey wakey!" Said Randy poking Jeff and Liu with the bat.

"What... where...?-" Jeff was interrupted by Randy.

"Hey bud, remember ME?!" Randy hit Jeff with the bat, Jeff screamed in pain moving on the floor trying to break free from the ropes.

Randy hitted him again, and again, and again with the bat.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" Said Liu desperate.

"Oh, the pussy woke up! Great!!" Keith said, as he started to kick Liu on the ribs. The cracking sound came back, and liu started spitting blood.

"What's up, pussy? Can't take a little pain?!" Keith started punching Liu in the face over and over again, making him bleed even more.

"I'm going to wait outside..." Troy said as he leaved the cabin.

Meanwhile, Jessica and Ethan were in the patrol. Jessica seemed worried.

"Hey, are you okay?" Said Ethan.

"Jeff hasn't been answering my messages, and it's late. I'm worried... I'm going to check the tracker I put on his phone."

Jessica opened the app, and her face showed her confusion.

"It' the middle of the forest, what the hell is he doing there?"

Jessica activated the microphone on Jeff's phone, and heard the brutality his sons were going through.

"Christ... WE HAVE TO GO, NOW!!!"

In the cabin, Jeff was lying on the floor, various bones were broken, and he was sobbing in pain.

"Hey, look at me, I SAID LOOK AT ME!" Randy said to Jeff.

"YOU DID THIS TO ME!" Randy showed Jeff the open wound on his arm, it looked like it was infected, with lots of fluids, blood and pus over it. 

"You know what they say about an eye for an eye, right?!" Randy grabbed his knife, and put it on Jeff's mouth as he sobbed in pain for the broken bones.

"You cut ME, AND I CUT YOU!!!"

Randy slashed Jeff's right cheek from the courner of his mouth. Jeff screamed in pain as he started crying, and blood started pouring from the open wound. He started twitching around trying to move away from Randy. He didn't wait a second, before doing the same thing with Jeff's left cheek, creating a horrible smile on Jeff's face. Jeff was screaming in pure agony as Randy laughed at him.

"Hey man, I'll let you have your fun. Imma go outside with Troy." Said Keith.

Keith walked ouside of the cabin. And didn't find Troy.

"Troy? Hey, Troy? Where are you?"

Keith started walking away from the cabin. Suddently he started hearing weird sounds, he couldn't make out what it was, but thinking it was Troy, he walked in that direction.

After walking for a bit, he found a horrible scene. Troy was on the floor, he was butchered. The sounds Keith heard were the painful moans Troy was making, as something was eating him alive. The thing looked like a man with a black hoodie, and black jeans. It was eating Troy's intestines. Keith started backing away, but the thing in front of him heard him. The creature stood up, and turned to see Keith. It was really, really tall. Parts of it's body looked rotten and putrid, it was wearing a blue mask with dark holes intead of eyes, wich poured a dark liquid. The mask was broken, showing the creature's horribly decayed mouth. The creature started walking towards Keith, it's bones cracked with each movement it made, the way it was moving was inhuman, it was contorting and breaking it's bones with each step.

Keith's screams were heard in the distance, but Randy didn't pay attention to them, he was focused on making Jeff suffer. He grabbed a bottle of alcohol nearby, and started pouring it in Jeff's face just as he did with the cat. Jeff felt the agonizing pain of the alcohol touching his open wounds, the pain was unbearable.

Liu, in pain, remembered the switchblade Jeff had given him that same morning. He grabbed it from his back pocket, and started cutting the rope on his hands. Randy stood up in front of Jeff, who was almost unconscious.

"Come on, don't go to sleep now! It's the time for the actual show to start!"

Randy grabbed the lighter from his pocket, and he turned it on. He dropped the lighter on Jeff's face, which exploded in flames because of the alcohol. Jeff started screaming in agony as the flames ate his skin, and Randy stared at him with a smile on his face. Liu freed himself from the ropes just in time, and threw Randy to the ground, stabbing him on the shoulder. Liu started punching Randy on the ground over and over again. Randy turned Liu over and started punching him too, he grabbed the knife on the ground, and when he was about to stab Liu, the door slammed open by Jessica, who inmediately shot Randy with her taser, he fell to the ground as Jessica saw Jeff burning on the ground.


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