I heard laughing and walked over to the window. I saw my brothers, cousins, Zoey and Zander all messing around. I smiled. Mom came over to me and looked out the window with me, "you know I was scared at first too. It's a different. It was a different time. My parents hated werewolves and my father King Ladislas hated the fact that I was mates with a mutt as he called your father. He despised werewolves. He even tried to kill Alex and your father. I was only 16 when I met him. The fight went on until I was 23." I frowned, "did you have kids before Jackson?" Mom sighed and nodded, "your father and I have in total over 600 years head 35 children." I frowned, "why didn't you tell us?" Mom sighed, "it wasn't something we knew how to talk about. Your oldest sibling is 600 years older than you. That's not easy to explain. Your our youngest and most likely out last pup." I sighed, "are they still alive?" Mom nodded, "many of them are. Some of them are guards at the castle. They will protect you and keep you safe." I frowned, "you haven't seen them in 10 years because of me... because of my connection to Zander." Mom ran her hand over my face, "my baby girl, you are our only daughter. I so desperately wish your sister and you we're together in this but you aren't. You have to face this with your mate. You have many brothers who are there to protect you. They won't let a single hair get knocked out of place. We all knew what it would mean by you being mates with Alex." I frowned, "what if they don't like me." Mom smiled, "they adore you. They call your father every month to check in on all of you." I bit my lip, "I'm scared." Mom sighed, "I know, my sweets."

There was a knock on the door. I felt the tingles before the door even opened. I sighed, "you can come in, Zander." He opened the door and gave me a sad look, "you almost ready, love?" I shook my head. He sighed, "Adeline," I rushed up to him and jumped in his arms he hugged me to him, "my love, I'm sorry." I shook my head, "I'm sorry I've been so difficult." He growled, "no. You are perfect. Delphine was pushing us all." I sniffed, "can we leave in the morning?" He tightened his arms around me, "okay." I relaxed into him, "thank you." He ran his hands over my back, "shhh it's okay. It's all going to be okay." He laid down on my bed and kept whispering sweet nothings in my I rested my chin on his chest to look at him. He flipped us over so he was on top of me. I huffed which caused him to smirk, "my little queen, you have more control over me than you know what to do with." I sighed, "I'm sorry for everything I said. I didn't mean it." He kissed my nose, "I know." I ran my fingers over his neck, "why are you so good?" He ran his nose down my neck, "I'm not." I rolled my eyes, "you are perfect." "I'm all yours." I hummed in response. He kissed my neck which sent chills down my spine. He chuckled, "I love your responses to me. At the airport you're eyes got so big when you put together that we were mates." I blushed, "I-I had just turned 16. I wasn't expecting to meet you so soon." He smirked into my neck, "I know." He flipped us back over so I was laying on his chest once more, "you are mine." I smiled at him, "and you are mine." He smirked, "let's sleep." I huffed, "I don't want to." He tickled my sides which caused me to squeal, "okay okay!" He put me under the blankets before he got in next to me, "sleep, little one." I snuggled into his chest, "you smell so good." He chuckled, "you smell exquisite."

He hummed, "may I ask you something?" I smiled, "mhm." He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, "why do you try to hold your family together? Delphine obviously has a problem with you." I blinked up at him, "she always has. I've tried to fix it but it's hard to fix something when you don't know what you did wrong." I sighed, "I don't know why I try to hold them together. I guess it has to do with them being siblings. Family is something to value and cherish. I can take Delphine make comments at me most the time but she made valid points tonight... points that hurt. My parents kept things from my siblings and I to protect us and it all came crashing down. Having Zoey in there put me over the edge. Delphine went after her before. She spread lies that Carter and I had an affair and Zoey was my daughter. She risked friendships and reputation. She risked Carter's mate bond and his title because she lied. She risked Zoey being shunned for something that wasn't true. Jackson and I share the role as her Godparents yet he's her legal guardian. I wouldn't take her from the pack and Emery knew that." He ran his hand over my arm, "if Jackson wanted us to would you take her?" I looked into his eyes, "that's something we would have to decide together."

He brushed my hair out of my eyes, "would you adopt pups?" I climbed on top of him, "why are you asking me this?" He ran his fingers over my hips, "Adeline, would you adopt pups?" I nodded, "in a heartbeat. To give a child the chance of feeling loved I would do anything." He smiled at me. I tilted my head, "why?" He kissed my knuckles, "you're going to make an amazing queen and an even better mother." I bit my lip, "I'm scared." He nodded, "I've figured that much out." He brushed a piece of hair out of my face, "you don't need to be, my love." I laid down on his chest, "what if they don't like me?" He chuckled, "they will adore you." "I'm practically human." He shook his head, "your parents have had dozens of children and not one has been born human. You are a wolf. She will come out when she's ready." I pouted, "what if she isn't?" He sighed, "we will deal with that when the time comes. There's nothing to worry about." I sighed, "w-what if your family hates me?" He rolled his eyes, "now your being ridiculous." I huffed, "I'm serious." He smirked, "that's the ridiculous part. My family loves you. Your brothers have been freaking out for the past year and a half. My sister was so angry that she barely got to see you-." "That was your sister?" He smirked, "we're you jealous?" I huffed, "you disappeared with a woman... of course I was jealous. I thought you were rejecting me." He flipped me over, "never. That was my sister Isabella. She's mate's with your oldest brother Ansel. She's 200 years younger than him. He was there. He was laughing the entire car ride to the pack we were checking on." I smiled and bit my lip, "Jace is an idiot that's why." Zander chuckled, "I'm still mad he tackled you." I ran my hand over  his chest, "I met you because of that." He smirked, "you would have eventually met me." I raised an eyebrow, "oh when?" He shrugged, "your 18th birthday. Maybe your 100th." I whimpered, "you wouldn't have kept me waiting that long." He sighed, "if it meant keeping you safe, yes." I glared at him, "why did you come back when you did?" He sighed, "we made the connection. The start of the bond was there. I avoided your touch after finding you the first time. At the airport it was unavoidable. We formed the bond. It wasn't going away. I felt every time you were in pain or sick. I knew when you were thinking about me or angry at me. I knew when you cried yourself to sleep. I felt every part of your soul reaching out to me. It killed me being away from you." "Why did you stay away so long?" He sighed and kissed my head, "there were rogues forming packs to attack other packs. I couldn't let thousands of innocents die and I didn't think you would be to thrilled if I did." I ran my hand through his dark black hair, "no not really." He sighed, "three of my best warriors were protecting you from a distance." I frowned, "they kept tabs on me for you?" He chuckled, "yes. They volunteered to be your personal guards. All of my warriors did actually. The first in line were your brothers." I frowned, "the guards are they-?" He nodded and stood up. He grabbed my hand, "come with me." I got out of bed and he picked me up and carried me all the way downstairs and outside into the forest.

He whistled and three huge wolves walked out. One had bright blue eyes like my dad. The other two had different shades of brown. I smiled. The wolf with blue eyes had brown fur with his left ear and his right paw being white. The first one with light hazel eyes had light brown fur with a black spot on his tail and nose. The one with dark brown eyes had a white mark on his front leg that looked like a snow flake and a white chest.

Zander put me down and grabbed my waist which caused the three wolves to growl. I giggled, "I don't think they like that." Zander huffed, "you three mind changing into human form." He sent a pointed look at the one in the middle, "behind a tree. Not here in the open." Zander huffed as they walked away, "annoying pricks." I bit my lip, "don't talk about my brothers like that." He huffed, "you haven't even met them yet." I smiled up at him. He brushed his lips over my neck, "your not funny, little one." I shivered. A throat cleared, "do you mind? We would not like to see our baby sister get marked." I snickered, "I like them." Zander rolled his eyes, "of course you do. Why am I not shocked." I winked at him and turned around to face the three men who were obviously my older brothers.

The one with blue eyes raised an eyebrow, "It's weird seeing while in human form." I pressed my lips, "so how long has he had you spying on me?" The middle one snickered, "we all take rotations every few months but for the past 13 years. We started when he first met you. Mom and dad stopped taking you to the castle roughly 10 years ago after there was a threat on the kings life." Zander scoffed, "you don't have to be formal, Grayson." Grayson nodded, "Alex did what was best for you." The last one nodded, "I'm Wren." The blue eyed one huffed, "wait! We were supposed to introduce our selves?" Zander sighed, "my pups are going to call these idiots uncles." Grayson froze, "he said pups. I've never heard him speak of pups. What has happened to the stone hearted alpha?" Zander wrapped an arm around my waist, "I didn't know if she would want pups." Wren rolled his eyes, "she's a mom at heart. It's obvious she's gonna want pups. We all told you that." "What the hell is going on out here and why do they look like us?"

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