Chapter 7: The True Horror, Part 2.

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"We're going back!!"

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"We're going back!!"

Sokka could only growl this repeatedly as he steered the Rust Bucket around the area. 

"Again, we agree Sokka, but we should land first!" said Katara. "You don't know how to drive this thing!"

"I've gotten the basics down thanks to the manual. I can do this!" said Sokka. "Actually, this feels unusually natural."

"Ben is okay right?" Toph murmured. "I mean, he was NRG."

"Of course he is.  Ben told me all about NRG's powers. He's a living energy being. He devours energy as a means to gain more power. Explosions overall would only feed him. He's fine!" said Sokka. "We just have to find him!"

The Rust Bucket continued to circle the smoking wreckage of the Ladies Ship, but as they did, shapes began to move down below on the surface.

Sokka pressed a few buttons on the dashboard, and images on a hologram projected out, showing zoomed in images of Matriarch Soldiers, and Azula herself refusing the offered hands of a few other soldiers. 

"No casualties." said Katara. "Figures. Ben probably knew how to control the explosion to keep deaths at a minimal.."

"That kind of thinking is not going to win this war." said Sokka with a sigh.

"But Aang never killed anyone either." said Katara. 

"He's a monk, he's got a religious exemption or whatever." said Sokka. "But Ben.. well I guess everyone needs a code."

"We should peel out of here." said Toph. "If those survivors notice us-."

"They won't we'll be fi-" Sokka began to say right before a thud was heard on the hull of the Rust Bucket, and an alarm blared out on the dashboard monitor. 

"We're being pulled in by something!" Sokka yelled as more thuds slammed onto the vehicle and he looked out the window. "Hooks on rope.. on a pully?! Wait!! I think we're okay!"

"What part of this is okay!?" Katara exclaimed. 

"The Ladies only use their weird threads when they pull in stuff.. but this, I recognize this, heck I helped build this! The Grapply Grapply Whirly Dirly!!" 

"You mean the Air Snatcher." said Toph.

"That's what Teo wanted to call it, but I think we both agreed my name was better." said Sokka. 

"No I'm pretty sure the Mechanist agreed on Air Snatcher." said Katara. 

"Whatever, in any case, I think we just stumbled onto a Resistance Camp! And even BETTER!!"

Sokka pointed gleefully at the hologram projector showing a zoomed in image of the soldiers  pulling in the aircraft.  One of them was a familiar looking face painted female warrior. 

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