Chapter 6: The Death General

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"Shivura I am telling you, the Omnitrix is far more an asset than an enemy if you just let me work on this."

Azula paced down the halls of the new enhanced Earth King palace in Ba Sing Sei. 

Construction robots could be seen scuttling around on their insect-like legs, making adjustments, replacing the ripped up stone walls with more smooth, artistically designed metal and artificial substances, creating a modernized and high tech look. 

Ducking under a few construction worker humans moving a large steel girder, Shivura glided onward with Azula ducking in after her

"You tried things your way Azula. The Matriarch is not angry with you for disobeying in favor of a perceived advantage for her, however we are talking about the fool who defeated Vilgax. If we take any risks-."

"Vilgax? Please? I've heard the stories about him, he's nothing more than a boogeyman who oversells himself to make us scared of him."

"You SHOULD be scared!" Shivura whipped her mask around to glare straight into Azula's face.  "That bastard may be arrogant, but he has good reason to be. I pray for your sake that you never have to fight that conqueror!"

"Please honey, I'm well aware of the limits of bending against aliens with super powers." said Azula. "It's why I want Ben around. But my methods of fighting have evolved over the years. I'm not the same person as when I constantly went ape over my dumb little brother Zu Zu.  I prefer the indirect tactics."

"Hmph, hence why you're one of our generals. You are rather skilled at that.. I guess." said Shivura.  "However, too many tacticians have made a history of underestimating the power and tenacity of Ben 10."

"Then let me be the first who won't!" Azula growled. "At least give me a chance!"

"Hmmm.." Shivura sighed. "Very well.. you will get one chance.."

Shivura stopped next to a metal door that slid open into what appeared to be a large lab that was filled with Ladies all dressed in the same white kimonos with featureless masks. 

Many of them were muttering and discussing with each other as they worked on various machines and chemicals in test tubes.

"Our science division has been creating something rather special. The head of the science division is one who knows Ben Tennyson rather well, and he's probably the best expert on the Omnitrix aside from its creator.  The Matriarch has been quite pleased with you for a while now, and she is starting to feel that our special weapon might be best suited to you."

The duo stopped in front of a large glass sphere inside of which was what appeared to be an unfinished device connected to multiple wires.

Many Science Division staff Ladies were muttering and typing on consoles attached to the sphere holding the device. 

It almost looked like the Omnitrix.. except it was pitch black.. and the symbol on the face plate was a deep bright crimson Delta. 

"We call it.. the Anti-Omnitrix.. the Antitrix for short." said Shivura. "Built to oppose the Omnitrix in every way. Each alien form mutated and genetically altered to make them better than the ones Tennyson utilizes."

Azula whistled. "Well, I can't say I'm not impressed. But it doesn't exactly look finished."

"No, it isn't, nor have we finalized any notions of giving it to you." said Shivura.  "This shall only be given after you pass the test.  Our great Lady Matriarch has decided to give you such a test to determine your worthiness to wield the legendary power of the Omnitrix's bane."

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