Chapter 3: The Nursery.

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"That's it men! We're finally going to do it today!!" 

Sokka paced back and forth in front of the Rust Bucket's bunk beds, standing up straight as he brought out a collapsible white board on wheels with dry erase markers that had been found in the Rust Bucket's spacious trunk. 

On it were drawings of arrows pointing at crudely drawn stick people with kabuki masks and triangle dresses.  Chinese characters that roughly translated to "What are they!?" were messily scribbled above in black marker. 

"Today, we figure out the mystery of.. THE LADIES!" Sokka exclaimed. 

Sokka's dramatic pause was met with the grumpy bleary eyed faces of his friends, who were all sitting on the bottom bunk which had been converted into its fold-out couch form. 

"Sokka, it's 4 am, we haven't even decided where to land yet." Ben grumbled. 

"What happened to you wanting to stay in bed?" Katara groaned. 

"You don't get it do you!? We're about to fly into one of the most heavily guarded Matriarch Territories in the entire Earth Kingdom next to Ba Sing Sei!" Sokka exclaimed. "The only reason we haven't be discovered yet is because Rust Bucket flies higher than any of their ships."

"She can fly higher actually, she's technically a star ship." said Ben. "We could go to other planets if we wanted to, though that would majorly drain our fuel and there's no guarantee we'd make it back to Earth."

Sokka stared at Ben, his mouth wide open, before he shook himself. "Okay uh, I DEFINITELY need to discuss the whole possibility of visiting space with you when this whole war is over, but before that, yeah, we need a plan! We have an opportunity to penetrate the heart of the Matriarch territory and gather intelligence for Zuko! Intelligence that could change the entire war!"

"Not that I don't see the appeal." Katara said. "But we're taking a big enough risk as it is cutting through this air space. When we were running from the Matriarch Aang was right not to take any risks."

"Yeah, well no offense to Aang, but even in the Avatar State he doesn't hold a candle to what Ben's got up his sleeve. I've been looking hard at all the aliens we've seen him turn into so far, and I think with those we've got ourselves the perfect arsenal for getting inside unnoticed." said Sokka. 

"Ben's good no doubt, but remember how the Lei Lei person nearly beat him up last time?" Toph muttered as she began scratching her head with Ben's Sumo Slammer action figure. "And if Ben and Aang have a rough time with those lady people, then imagine how toasted we are."

"Which is why we're not going to just fight. Ben's pretty much our ace in the hole if things go wrong. If we need to escape! Then Jetray or XLR8 and we're OUT of there!" said Sokka. "If we need to bust our way out, then Humungousaur it up!"

"I mean I do have a contingency last resort if things go sour." Ben muttered. "I could go Ultimate."

"Go Ultimate?" said Katara. "What's that?"

"Oh right, I never mentioned the Evolution function." Ben said drowsily.

"Wait, like evolve like those pokemon things you and Sokka play around with?" Toph asked. 

"Not exactly but close-."

"Okay, first you tell me we can go to space, next you tell me you have Ultimate Evolution aliens, like seriously, take one huge revelation at a time here!" Sokka said. "Anyways, the point is Ben gives us an Emergency Exit plan, so our risk factor of doing this is like reduced by at least half.  But the infiltration part is a little bit more teamwork on our end- wait if we can go to other planets why aren't we already at Zuko's place?"

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