"How does all this relate to me being in danger? Honestly all this sounds like you need my help because you're in danger." I say, looking at my acrylic nails.

"Jaz, do you want to be tortured? Because that's what they'll do to you to find out where I am. Just do what I say."

I thought about it for a moment. "Y'know I've taken a lot of stuff from you over the years because I thought I owed you. But, I've paid you back. I've been waiting for a perfect chance to tell you this." She placed a hand on her chest and took a deep breath. "Y'know how you tell me to watch Darnell every time you're out or away for a long time. Well, I'm moving and taking him with me. Goodbye." I hung up the phone and stood up. "Come on, Darnell. Time to go home."

I look at Darnell, who was silently playing his tablet across the seat from me. My plan was set in motion, Huey can't control my life anymore. So, now I can finally leave with all the money I've earned and give this child a better life. I already had a plan ticket I just needed to pack up.


Cindy's crew pulled into a secluded cabin in the woods, just like Riley described. "Huey won't find us for another 2 weeks. Depending on how hard he's looking. I suggest putting some niggas out in the front or hiding in the bushes." He said, jumping out the back of the van. "Ah!" He said, holding his side that wasn't completely healed.

Cindy climbed out of the van after him and put a hand on his shoulder. "You good?"
Maurice saw this and quickly got out of the van. "Come on dawg. Let's go lay ya down. Go on Cindy I got ya boy." Maurice said, letting Riley lean on him as they made their way inside. As soon as they were out of sight, Maurice pushed Riley onto the couch. "Listen, nigga. I've been working for her years. And you coming here thinking you big Willy. But you ain't. Stay away."

Riley partly grinned. "Don't no one want your lil crush."
Maurice had a smug look on his face. "Keep that same energy big dawg." He said and then turned, leaving the cabin.
Jazmines POV

I was in the elevator going up to my apartment. I had a plan to quickly pack my bags and once I arrived in Maryland buy some clothes for Darnell. I walked down the hall, with Darnell following closely by my side. My burst of excitement wore off when I realized my door was cracked open and I hadn't left it like that.

My hands shifted into my purse, where I kept a small pistol ever since I got kidnapped by Cindy. "Stay out here, Darnell. Don't go anywhere."
Darnell barely looked up from the tablet.
I went inside the apartment slowly, remembering her training as a police officer.

I knew i messed up though when I heard the door slam hard behind me and a locking of the door. Someone was behind the door. Before I could turn around.

I felt something push up against my head. "Put it down."
I dropped the gun.
"Come out boys." My heart started beating fast, when I saw two me emerge from their hiding places, one with rope and the other with tape. "You're going to tell us where Huey Freeman has gone."
I shook my head rapidly "I don't know but he cal-"

The man behind me slammed the butt of the pistol against my head. "Shut the fuck up! Tie this bitch up!"

The men wasted no time and tied my hands and feet up. They say me up, facing the man that had been behind me.

He looked me straight into my eye with a devilish flicker in his eye. "My name is Georgie and I'm not in a good mood. You're little boss killed my long time associate. So tell me. Where is he?"

I gulped and took a second to respond. "Listen, I don't know. He called me and I hun-"

He cut me off, slamming his hand into my wall. "No! You didn't. You're probably the most loyal person he's got left. Don't worry though. We'll get the truth."
My eyes followed every movement he made. I watched as he opened his palm and said "Hand me the pliers and take off her shoes."


Huey was fuming, he had treated Jazmine like... a real employee and she deserted him, leaving him the dust like a piece of shit. Now, she's taking Darnell, someone he considers his son. He had to walk all the way to Jazmines apartment complex. He was on his way up the elevator. Once the door opened and he cut the corner, he was surprised to see Darnell in the hallway, sitting down and playing his tablet.

He slowly walked up to Darnell and bent down. Darnell turned to him. "Daddy!" He said, giving him a hug. Huey partially smiled, he hasn't seen him since he's been in the hospital. "Where's Jazmine?" Huey asked. Darnell pointed at the door. "She said stay out here. She's talking to a man too."

Huey raised his eyebrow. "A man?" Huey already had his suspicions. She'd never leave Darnell out in the hallway. Unless she thought he'd be in danger. He stood up, the bad side of his mind telling him to take Darnell and leave Jazmine. But, he couldn't do it. He didn't have a gun either. So, this will be hard.

"Do me a favor and knock on the door, Darnell. Say that you need to pee."

"Okay." Darnell placed his tablet down and got up. Huey stood up and took a step back, to be out of sight. He watched as Darnell did exactly as he asked. It took a few seconds for the man to stick his head out of the door.

"There's a kid. What do you wan-" Huey burst into the door, knocking the man over. He turned back to the door shutting it, still not wanting Darnell to see any of this.

But, it cost him the element of surprise. By the time Huey turned back around the man he knocked over was already off the ground. And Huey was in no condition to fight. The man punched Huey in the nose and threw him onto the ground.

"Welcome to the party..." He heard a familiar voice say...

TO be continued.


So this chapter took a month to make. I wrote 500 words last month and then got writers block not knowing what to do. Then my computer broke and I didn't want to write the whole chapter on my phone. But I sucked it up and ended up doing it. So, if you see a lot of spelling mistakes then that's why. But I hoped y'all enjoyed.

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