I went up to Melanie and whisper in her ear, "wake up grandma."

She instantly shot up, yelling "the babies were born!?" Waking everyone up.

"They were. My son is in the nursery and my daughter--" I haven't even see her yet, I could feel my smile drop. "She experienced some breathing problems, and lack of oxygen, the doctors are taking care of her, but I don't know what's going to happen." She pulled me into a motherly hug, a hug I haven't felt in years.

I really miss my mom, especially days like today. She will never get to know her grandchildren.

"Hayden, everything is going to be okay. I promise." She pulled away and flicked me on the back of my head. "That's for not telling me you had a brother."

"Sorry. I guess it never came up. It's kinda hard talking about him. I honestly haven't seen him in years." I said.

"Well what are you still doing here, go over there and say hi." She said and pushed me his direction. I started walking over to him and he caught my glance and we never broke eye contact entail I got over to him.

We just stared. Then a single tear fell from his eye.

(Feel free to skip readers. Sorry if this triggers any emotions. I love all you guys)

And there everyone, is my brother, Liam James. A broken 16 year old young boy whose dreams were shattered when he was just 13 years old. When our mother was taken from us.

Liam blames himself for the car crash, that took our mom. 13 year old Liam, sarcastic and funny as ever was telling a joke on his way to basketball practice and don't really know what happened after that. All we know is that mom died on impact when the other car hit theirs and then the car rolled. Liam had broken both his legs, his left arm and had a terrible head trauma.

One he was healed and better, his life got worse. He became extremely depressed and hated his own life. I can't count how many times he has tried to kill himself, and that absolutely killed me. Seeing my baby brother that used to be filled with so much light and love now filled with darkness. He didn't deserve it.

We tried to get him to talk to therapists, but once he got there and tried to talk he would just break and cry and cry. The line was finally drawn when I walked on him trying to hang himself in his room. I quickly saved him and he cried in my arms for a good two hours until he fell asleep. That night I went to talk to my dad about sending him to rehab somewhere and that next morning he was on a plane to the best place in England.

(It's okay to read now.)

We broke at the same time and started crying and hugging each other for a good five minutes and then my dad joined the hug.

"I missed you so much." I sobbed, and he returned with a even bigger sob.

After we cleaned up a little bit from our sob fest, Liam just looked at me and said, "so I'm an uncle now." With his old smile, but so much more grown.

"You are. And you grandpa." I hit my dads shoulder.

"All I'm going to say is that I think that these children will be the most spoiled in the world. In a good way I mean."

"Yeah. They are." I chuckled. "I'm going to see the boy. Liam you wanna come?"

A big smile broke out on his face. " I would love to."

I told him to follow me, but before I left I said a quick hello to Cody and the rest of everyone and then went down to the nursery.

One our way I talked to Liam and what has happened in the past three years. But with some tears he told me. When the program first started he was sneaking in drugs and sneaking out, don't know how he did but he did. Anyhow he told me about 9 months later in he looked in the mirror and hated the person he'd become. So from that day, he change. He has a girlfriend and I think they've been dating for a yearish.

17 and Pregnant with the Player (Completed and Editing)Where stories live. Discover now