1991: ELEVEN

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“Park Sunghoon,”

Hearing the voice that he really familiar with made him sighed and shut his eyes. He answered nothing but keep on organizing his locker. Sunghoon have no business to deal with him and he know if he's there because he wants to annoyed Sunghoon.

Obviously it's Hwang Jungtae.

He was leaning his back on the locker, beside Sunghoon. He chuckles when he didn't received any replies from Sunghoon. They're not friends but Jungtae likes the effort that Sunghoon shows whenever he skates.

“So you're mute now? Or is it because you're jealous seeing me being close to Cha Inyoung?”

The more Jungtae keep on throwing words at Sunghoon, the more he got annoyed. But he need to calm down, he's at school and he shouldn't cause any scene. With that Sunghoon close his locker and face Jungtae.

“If you don't want to go away, I will.” when Sunghoon was about to walk away, Jungtae chuckles and block him by standing in front of Sunghoon. Jungtae was smirking as he know Sunghoon was pissed off.

“You're jealous and I'm glad about that. So to let you know that you have no chance to be with Haeun or Inyoung.” Jungtae tells him, making Sunghoon clenched his fists. He was that close to punch Jungtae on the face.

“So you're saying that you have a chance to be with Inyoung? Keep dreaming.” Sunghoon fires him back, but that didn't even bothered Jungtae, knowing that he will win over Sunghoon.

“Well maybe. She seems comfortable with me.” Jungtae shrugged, smiling in victory as if he's winning.

“See you on the ice rink, Park Sunghoon.” Jungtae tapped his shoulder. Judging by Jungtae's words, he's threatening Sunghoon.

But Sunghoon know Jungtae will not take a step ahead of himself, he know how good he is when it comes to skating. He have been doing it for years and it doesn't even make sense if Jungtae is better than him.

Minutes after that, Sunghoon finally went to the ice rink after putting on his figure skating shoes. He look at Jungtae, who was moving freely at the ice rink. If Jungtae can pull the moves coolly then Sunghoon can do better.

He can move elegantly. More beautiful than Jungtae. He keep that in his mind whenever he's skating. 

“Please gather at the center,” he lost his thoughts as their coach started to speak up. Sunghoon sighed heading towards the other students who're starting to gathet at the center of ice rink.

Sunghoon can feel that Jungtae was smirking at him but he didn't care about that. He definitely know that Jungtae was just trying to make him look like a coward. But glad that he's not a coward.

“I heard some of you often came here to practice, which is really good. Those who didn't even spend their time practicing, I'm just going to say that don't blame me if you lack on anything,”

That's true, some of them didn't even come when they have practice. It was just ten of them and there was just 6 of them that came.

“Sunghoon, Jungtae get ready, I'm going to evaluate both of you.” their coach said, walking away from the center. Jungtae said nothing but when he slightly bumped Sunghoon on his shoulder.

Later on their practice, when their evaluation ended, all of them gave both Sunghoon and Jungtae a applause. They both did really great that everyone enjoyed watching their performance. Their coach even satisfied with it.

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