'Not at all, not even a slight urge.' I said.

'You're odd.' she said.

'I know.' I grinned.


I pulled into school on my bike. I loved riding it. It was the closest thing to being free like I was in my wolf form in public. The rumbling engine grinded to a halt as I parked. I pulled off my helmet and shook my long longs of brown hair loose around me. People stared intensly, and I was extremely tempted to flip them off, but part of being a werewolf is keeping your temper in check, so I restrained my self. I walked down the halls to my locker and shoved my helmet inside, ignoring all the stares and whispers as per usual. Here goes another day at John Pope High.

I had been wandering the halls for a while and had gotten quite bored. So you know what? I decided that I was actually going to show up for my third period class! I looked in my locker for my schedule and found it under my gym clothes. I scanned down the time-table. Third period... third period... third period. Found it! World History. Snore! Oh god, was I really going to do this? Yup... guess so. I made my way past Gym A and saw it. Room 301, World History. Fun fun fun! I reached for the doorknob and turned it, waltzing inside as if I wasn't ten minutes late. People gasped and stared and I glared at them coldly. I picked up on an extremely yummy smell, maybe a mix between mint and rain... but I shut it out and ignored it.

'Ms. Rexler, do you realize that you are ten minutes late?' Mr. Howard asked me. I cocked a brow at him. He looked suprised. 'Don't get me wrong! I'm... um... I'm glad you showed up! Uh... take a seat?' he asked.

'Thanks teach,' I siad giving him a good natured slap on the back, he coughed in suprise. I took a seat in the very back, beside some emoish scate-boarder dude that I'd never seen before.

I tried to pull my eyes away from him, but for some reason I couldn't. Every few seconds I'd look away, and then somehow I'd find my gaze drift back and land on Drew. He was actually quite interesting, there might be something more to him than I originally anticipated. At first I thought that he was just a superficial airhead that had the perfect life. But after watching his expression for a while I could tell he wasn't all he was cracked up to be. Suddenly the bell rang. And everyone got up, I got up as well, suddenly feeling extremely drowzy and light-headed. I headed off to gym, the one class that I didn't skip. 

After getting changed into our ugly-ass gym uniforms I headed out onto the field, squinting into the sunlight. I walked out onto the track and began to run my laps in the hot sun. Of course my high body temperature didn't help the cause, but my high stamina evened things out fairly well. I was jogging my third lap when Kristy stuck her tongue out at me, bitch. I just rolled my eyes and kept jogging, ignoring her completely. Suddenly, I felt something under my feet, but by then it was to late to catch my balance. Kristy had stuck out her knobby little foot and wrapped it around my ankle while I wasn't paying attention. I went down with a thud and landed on my butt. I groaned. Suddenly a small crowd had gathered around me. Who else to come to my rescue but the football goons with Drew in their lead. He stuck out his hand to help me up, this time more sure than the first time he'd attempted to help me up. I was feeling increasingly drowzy and thought, why not accept his help. I reached up and grabbed his hand at the same time he hoisted me up.

Halfway off the ground, a painful shock buzzed from my hand and up my arm, right up to my shoulder socket. Drew must've felt it too because he immediately let go of my hand and dropped me on the ground. Great, another bruise, I thought. Everyone laughed as I glared at Drew. He stood there kind of shocked as his friends stared at him in confusion.

'Thanks again Drew,' I said rolling his name off the tip of my tongue. Drew. I repeated in my head. Okay, so maybe adding his name into the sentence wasn't neccesary, but I felt like I had to. It was actually pretty fun saying his name for some reason.

'Uh... I...' he stuttered stupidly. Where had all his grace and composure gone now? 

'Save it,' I said getting up. I dusted of my short red gym shorts and walked off, waiting until I got in between the bleachers near the change rooms to show my true confusion.

What the hell was that? Had he and Kristy planned this? Had she tripped me and he hidden a taser button on his hand for when he pretended to help me up? No, I didn't see a taser button, I'm the queen of that kind of stuff. Besides, I was pretty sure taser buttons are intended to shock the victom not the jokester. But I wouldn't put it past Kristy to do such an immature thing, and Drew being her boyfriend would obviously comply. My skin burned from where I had been shocked. I glanced down at my hand, expecting to see my skin singed and red, instead... nothing. What. The. Hell.


-Please comment if you like it so far!!! Thanks! Constructive critisism and suggestions are always good too! 


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