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Graham had gone missing, Regina was even surprised there were search parties seeing his office was ransacked meaning he didn't go willingly. Eventually it was quiet, Emma and Sidney Glass fought over who would take over the Sheriff seeing Graham wasn't found and they needed some authority. In the end Emma won because of her bravery and truthfulness, Eva had begun to work as a telephone person at the station which Ruby had helped with for a little while.

And Eva and Regina still held strong with their new friendship even after she tried to frame Mary Margaret for the death of Katherine Nolan who didn't even really die, pretty soon things seemed to calm down but stuff was about to become hectic again. Eva had come home early on this day to find Emma was in the shower, there on the counter was a freshly made apple turnover. She split it and took a sniff before heading up the stairs to the room above, she sat down on the edge of the bed and took a bite and then as instant as she bit it she fell back on the bed unconscious.


During her sleep a lot had happened, the curse was broken and people were reuniting on the streets, as Henry and Emma ran up to her parents there was one person they we're missing but they didn't notice at first. When a purple cloud washed over them they went to Gold or Rumplestilskin as they now knew him to be where he told them that he had magic placed in Storybrooke, then as they exited Jiminy told them about a mob that was forming to go after Regina, to which they saved her at the request of Henry, "Where is Eva?" Regina asked as they locked the cell, "to think of it she wasn't even at the hospital when Henry was there, she cares too much for Henry to just not show up" Regina finished they all looked at her, it was as if it clicked for everyone.

But before anyone could move, someone came through the door carrying Eva, "Graham" Emma whispered she saw her sister was not moving. "I think she's under the sleeping curse, I tried to wake her but it didn't work" he said his features were heartbroken. "That's impossible, she loves you. Maybe it's because you don't have your heart, it's still my vault. I can get it" Regina spoke up she was ready to help Eva, tears were in her eyes it surprised everyone in the room except Henry. "That will take too long, maybe one of us can break it. True love can be family too" the young boy said they each took turns kissing her head but she didn't move she didn't budge a bit, "Mom, do you promise, to save her" he looked at Regina who nodded.

He without warning took the key and unlocked the cell, before she left she walked over everyone went to stop her but something clicked in Henry's mind he moved them away, "let her through, maybe we're going about this wrong. Aunt Eva and Mom are friends, lately she's spent more time with her than anyone. Maybe the love of a friend will work too" Henry spoke up Regina looked at him thinking he was wrong. "We're friends, sure but Henry I'm not sure that she loves me that much" she said as she got to his level. "That's not true, she knew who you were this whole time and she still talked to you, she has always cared about your feelings. She even asked your permission to be with Graham because she didn't want to hurt you, even though it would've hurt her if you said no she would honor it because she cares about you" Henry said as he looked at her seriously.

Tears came down Regina's cheeks, she stood up and walked over, "you're such a silly girl, your faith in me is so strong. But I still don't think it means you love me, but I do love you my friend" she whispered as she leaned down her tear fell onto Eva's cheek as she kissed her forehead a light shined through the same light as before when the first curse broke, Regina leaned back shocked as Eva gasped leaning up looking around confused about everything then her eyes landed on Regina. "Why are you crying Regina?" she asked, concerned for her friend, "did I die! Oh holy pop tart's I'm dead!" she exclaimed just then Regina hugged her without warning everyone else was still shocked it worked.

"I'm sorry, I tried to curse your sister like I did your mother, and it only hurt you and Henry" Regina cried, she expected Eva to push her away but she looked over seeing Henry looking at her with raised brows. "I don't know, Little Spark looks okay right now. And I know you wouldn't hurt us on purpose though, I think you should be apologizing to Emma about the other part" Eva said Regina pulled back and sat down as she looked at her and did exactly as she said apologize Emma just nodded, "oh don't take it to heart Emma's just a sour puss, she'll come around. Was I really under a curse?" Eva asked as everyone nodded, she patted her legs before looking around again.

"Hey" Graham waved, she smiled brightly. "I'm glad you're alive, where were you anyways?" she asked, everyone looked at Regina except Eva and Graham who looked at each other. "It wasn't Regina who took me, it was Gold or Rumplestilskin. He said he knew that if I stuck around that the curse would be broken sooner, he still had stuff to plan out something like that. He said he wasn't going to kill me, because he actually likes the woman I'm in love with" he said she felt her face flush as she looked at Regina who was smiling at her giving her a nudge. "You going to say something, the man just said he loves you" Regina said Eva nudged the Queen back and let out a giggle, proof that she still cared about her even after everything, this left her family conflicted.

I know big time jump but I was ready for a reunion of the family, and of the love of her life. So she cares for Regina as much as Regina cares for her, I hope you guys like the story so far don't come after me for the cheesiness please.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2021 ⏰

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