02. nicknames

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"Here." My sister hands me a set of contemporary clothes, slightly torn to create the effect of being used.

"Thank you, Anya." I take the pile, walking behind a covering to strip off my current clothing. Quickly slipping the new ones on, I walk out and see my sister with her jaw nearly dropped. "What? Does it look bad?"

"No face paint, no fur." She laughs lightly at my question. "It's just I haven't seen you so seemingly relaxed in a long time."

Absentmindedly, I caress my cheeks with my fingers. No stickiness, no black smudge on my hands. It all felt unnatural, like I shouldn't have been doing this. "This is crazy."

"I know."

"But I love it." I noted; brushing the new found appearance of my fake identity.

"If it goes as planned, it'll be effective and helpful." Anya replies, smoothing out my hair with her long fingers. "Be careful. You won't have a weapon like normal." She starts listing things off, and I could sense the worry in her voice.

I cut her off, gently gripping her wrist and letting it fall to her side before sending an open, reassuring smile. "I'll be fine."

She responds with a drop of the shoulders. "I know you will." Anya softly pushes me with a hand along my back, hinting to leave.

I knowingly nod, saying one final goodbye before rushing out the door.

"Stay away from the goggle boy!" I hear as the door slams behind me.

A grin plays across my face. Adrenaline and a want for adventure rushes through my spine, and I take off. This time, I didn't look back.


Third Person POV

As Kavita rushes through the woods, she peers up constantly to snatch a glance of her people crouching upon the trees; keeping watch of their healer. She gives a small wave to her best friend-Lincoln-before continuing past.

Then, she heard a crack. Multiple feet directing their destination to where she stood.

Don't move.

Don't move.


"Hey!" A masculine voice calls out to the girl. Kavita turns to face a group of teenagers, two of them carrying someone vaguely familiar. "You should get back inside the camp, it's dangerous out here."

She was afraid of speaking, of waking goggle boy. So she obediently nods, sprinting away from them. It wasn't exactly hard to find the camp; the loud echo of rambling teenagers gave a clear path.

With every step, Kavita's heart increases its pace along with her walk. She hears as two boys switch holding the boy up, and one catches up to her. He had strong bone structure, his jaw sharp. His messy, sweaty hair shifted from his trudge beside the girl. The man was evidently older due to his height and natural look of authority.

"How come I've never seen you before?" He attempts to start a conversation Kavita didn't want to continue.

"Maybe you weren't paying attention." She snapped, silently swallowing at her strong response.

He scoffs, gazing down at her as they enter the camp. "I'm pretty sure I would've been."

"What's that supposed to mean?" The sound of Bellamy's tongue clicking against his inner cheeks, along with a grin waved through the action answered for Kavita. "Then I guess you should've tried harder." She answers one final time before rushing away.

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