The professors from the other five universities were all staring at Professor Guo, completely dumbfounded.

Did they regret not having been able to recruit Tan Mo to their universities? Professor Guo never learned whether they regretted it or not, and, to be frank, he didn't care.

The participants were all preparing to return to their home universities when Professor Guo joined his team.

Instead of tidying up with her team, Tan Mo had run up to Wei Zhiqian instead.


Wei Zhiqian welcomed her with a gentle look. It was as if there was a warm sun in his eyes.

He tenderly patted her head and said, "Looks like you're the star of the show today. Why don't you head back to your campus with your team?"

Wei Zhiqian was sure that Tan Mo would garner a lot of attention after what she had done in the competition.

"I also have to return to my company for a while," Wei Zhiqian apologized. "Seeing how well our Momo has done today, this calls for a celebration."

"Are you going to prepare a present?" Tan Mo asked with an innocent face.

"Is there anything you want?" Wei Zhiqian did not deny it.

"Not really." Tan Mo shook her head. "All I want is an uncle to celebrate with me... I accepted Beijing University's invitation because I thought you'd be around all the time. But it turns out you are barely at school, and I don't really see you at all..."

Wei Zhiqian knew that he'd been too busy lately. He'd had to get to know the inside and outside of the Weifeng Company in a short amount of time. From managing the company to gaining approval from the higher-ups and the heads of each department, he had had to prove that he possessed the ability to take over as the company's president in the near future.

What he wanted wasn't for people to acknowledge him but for them to bow down to him.

Naturally, there were those who had abused their positions in such a large company, which was why he had been so busy of late, and the stress he'd had to handle was immense.

He'd never told anyone about the pressure he'd had to face and bore it all alone.

It wasn't something a person should handle alone.

"Who was it who said that she was a grown-up now and wasn't going to stick to me like she used to?" Wei Zhiqian smiled.

"This is different! What I meant was that I couldn't let you hug me anymore, but I didn't say anything about not being able to see you."

"Okay, okay." Wei Zhiqian laughed. "I promise you I'll spend more time with you from now on, okay?"

Unexpectedly, she shook her head. "I'm not that immature, you know? You don't really have to pay attention to my rants. That's all I'm doing. You should take care of everything in the company so that you won't be this stressed anymore. And once you're finished, you'll have the time to spend with me, right? That's why you have to focus on the company, make sure you take it over correctly, and tell the rest of them who's their boss, got it?" Tan Mo said as she stared at him. Her eyes showed that she had complete trust in him, that she'd never doubted his ability.

Her words made Wei Zhiqian shiver a little.

He had never said anything about his stress to anyone before, yet Tan Mo could see the pressure he had to carry and what his goals were.

The only people who knew were his parents, and they never comforted him as Tan Mo did.

The truth was that he didn't want any people to sympathize with him, but for people to understand what he was going through.

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