"Oi, get your head out of the trenches!" I shouted over to her as I picked up the bow, along with a few arrows.

"Never!" She shouted back, making me laugh a bit. I looked around to see what would be a good target and decided to just quickly carve a circle into a nearby tree. I grabbed my knife out and quickly did that, making a decent target. I then ran back a little to where my bow was sitting on the sand and loaded up an arrow. I pulled it back, closing my left eye and aiming at the target. The second I was about to shoot it, Rosie screamed,

"Miss it!" I shot the arrow and it went flying by the tree, completely missing the target. It probably went a good 50 meters beyond. I slowly turned around to look at Rosie and she just had a smug look on her face, "you missed it."

"Obviously!" I yelled at her, annoyed that she just had to scream when I was going to shoot my arrow. I mumbled angrily and picked up another arrow, aiming. I took a few deep breaths and this time, Rosie didn't scream to distract me. I let the arrow fly through the air and I actually hit the target I made. It was on the outskirts of it, but it was good enough for me. I smiled proudly at it and turned my head around, ready to rub it in Rosie's face. But when I looked back, she was dramatically snoring.

"You're really annoying." I told her as I saw her fighting a smile on her face. I rolled my eyes at her, then an idea came to mind. I grabbed an arrow and aimed at the open wood on the tree stump. There was a decent amount next to her, a perfect target. I fired my arrow and it stuck in the wood next to her, making her jump in surprise and snap her eyes open. I smirked at her as she looked beside her and saw the arrow.

"Really?! You could've hit me!" She shouted at me as she ripped the arrow out of the wood, throwing it aside.

"But I didn't," I said with a cocky smile, "now stop being annoying,"

"All I did was pretend I was asleep."

"Exactly." She sighed and rolled her eyes at me,

"Whatever. Continue on shooting your dumb arrows." I looked at her for a little longer, realizing something,

"Are you jealous of my weapons?" She gawked at me,

"What?" She responded, her tone going up slightly, making me smile,

"Who knew Roseanne would get jealous of the love and attention my damn weapons are getting." I said amused as I put my bow down, walking over towards her.

"No! Get away from me!" She shouted as she held her hands up, ready to push me away. I chuckled at her and stood about a meter away, looking down at her,

"So you would want me to ignore you for the rest of the day?" I asked her, tilting my head a bit as I waited for her response. She glared up at me,

"No." She muttered quietly as I laughed, sitting down next to her. I gently grabbed her shoulders and laid her down, her head now resting in my lap. She looked up at me and squinted because of the sunlight. I held my hand up to block it and she now could open her eyes fully, smiling up at me.

"I'll always give you love and attention, Rosie. Just tell me when you want it, and I'll stop whatever I'm doing." I then leaned down to kiss her and I was just going to have it be a short kiss, but her hand went to the back of my neck, holding me down.

She parted my lips with her tongue and explored my mouth, making me moan lightly. I moved one hand down to rest underneath where her bra was, just settling on the skin. She took it upon herself to move my hand in order to cup her breast, making her moan lowly into my mouth. We continued to make out, the only thing being heard was our heavy breathing and lips moving against one another.

High Sea's Love (Rosé x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now