"No guns, John." Alfred called out.

     "I know." John said as he walked towards the elevator back to the manor. "But right now I need all the help I can get."

     After sleeping for a few hours, John took the elevator back to the manor and slipped down to the garage where his motorcycle was stored for safe keeping. It only took him thirty minutes to zip back into Gotham and find a decent parking space before casually walking into the office towers of Wayne Enterprises.

    Lucius had given John his own pass for for the building, which listed him as a consultant for Fox's special division. This meant he had no problems getting through security and access to Fox's office whenever he wanted. As he walked out of the elevator, the secretary at the desk pointed to the door. "Go on in, Mr. Blake."

    As John walked through the door he seemed a little confused. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything Mr. Fox."

    "No, I was eager to end that particular meeting anyway." Lucius said as he extended a hand. "Whenever you swipe your card downstairs, I'm alerted on my cell phone. It's my way of making sure you have my undivided attention whenever you come here seeking my help."

     "Much appreciated." John said as he shook Mr. Fox's hand. "I could use a little of that help right now."

     "How so, Mr. Blake?" Fox asked.

     It took a few minutes but John took the time to fill him in on what had happened with the Joker. How he was still at Arkham all this time and that he was not making noise and threatening to blow up schools. After going through everything that was said when he went to visit him at Arkham, Blake felt a little overwhelmed. "I've only been on this job for a little over half a year. Even with the trainers you recommended, I still feel like I'm in over my head with this protégé that the Joker is talking about."

     "The Joker has a habit of being a bit of a drama queen." Fox said as he walked up to the window and stared out while thinking about what he had just heard. "But I still think it's time to expand how the Batman functions."

     "What did you have in mind?" Blake asked.

    "Follow me." Fox answered as he walked over to his bookshelf. He tilted one of the books and the entire shelf moved aside to reveal a gigantic room filled with weapons and gadgets that were at the Batman's complete disposal. John followed Fox into what could only be described as the Bat arsenal, but something finally dawned on him. "Is there where Bane got all his weapons to occupy Gotham?"

     "It was." Fox admitted. "But after that incident, I took measures to make sure this place is secure and that items not being used were shipped to a different location. Not all our eggs are in one basket anymore."

     "Fair enough." John replied as he kept following.

    "Right here is something that Bruce ordered but never got the chance to use." Fox said as he walked over to an area where he recognized pieces of the Bat suit. "This was going to be his new utility belt."

    "Whoa." John said as he took a look at the advanced belt. "There has to be at least fifty items attached to that belt. I has to weigh at least twenty pounds!"

     "At least." Fox agreed. "But I assure you with an expanded arsenal at your disposal… these tools could save your life so many times you won't mind the extra weight."

     "What's that thing attached to the left hand side?" John asked as he pointed at what looked like a gun.

    "That's the best part." Fox said as he took the gun like object and pointed it at the ceiling. It fired like a gun but instead of a bullet, a long grappling hook sprayed out and tightly attached to the ceiling. "It's a more advanced grappling system. With a range of just over two hundred feet, you could propel from building to building like Spider-Man if you wanted to."

    "That could save a lot of time if I need to climb to a roof-top." John replied.

    "That's what Bruce thought when he suggested it." Fox admitted. "None of these tools are lethal. For example, in this pocket are exploding gas bombs. Just toss one onto the floor and it will create enough gas to make a quick exit amidst the confusion."

     "What about this one." John asked as he pointed to what looked like a spray can.

     "That's shark repellant." Fox casually answered.

     "Really?" John asked with a shocked look on his face. He tried to imagine what kind of incident would call for Bruce to ask for such an item.

    "No, not really." Fox said as he couldn't help but laugh. "It's liquid nitrogen. You can use it whenever you need to quickly bust through something like locks or handcuffs."

     "You really thought of almost anything." John said as he kept inspecting the belt.

     "I'll deliver to the manor myself later tonight." Fox replied. "Is Alfred still down there?"

    "He is." John answered. "Right now he's searching through prison records to try to find this Harley Quinn."

     "He's a good man." Fox said as he sighed. "He'll be helpful for as long as he's here."

     "I know." John agreed as he stood up. "I've got to meet someone for lunch. I'll test out this new stuff tonight when I go on patrol."

     "Good luck, Mr. Blake." Fox said as he shook the young man's hand again.

     "Thanks for all your help." Blake said as he made his way back to the elevator and back up to his motorcycle.

The Dark Knight ReturnsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora