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The sun rised from the horizon, glistening the drops of water on leaves. Ranboo, the man with one green and one brown eye, was taking a stroll in the park. The many trees surrounding the gravel path he walked along were covered in dew, as it had rained just last night. For the past few weeks, it had rained a lot.

Today was Saturday, and tomorrow he would visit the cafe again. Ranboo slowed down his pace, stopping at a bench. He sat down, and drank some water out of the bottle he had taken with him. He sighed and wiped his chin. The tall man closed his eyes, enjoying the relaxing morning.

His eyebrows furrowed in discomfort when he felt am icy wind hit him. He shivered, and held his arms tight. Ranboo huddled his legs together to get warmer, but when he did that, he fell hard on his bottom. He opened his eyes in pain, and reached around him. He looked up in shock. This hadn't happened in a long time... Why was it happening now?

He was in a white space, and in front of him, a television-like window. He glanced around, knowing Dream would be near. When there came no luck to that, he stood up, brushing his legs of nonexistent dirt. He looked in front of him again to see Dream. Ranboo backed up a little out of surprise.


The man in the mask moved to stand beside Ranboo like those weeks ago. He gave off an angered feeling... Was he mad?


"Shut up"

He was angry. But was it simply directed at Ranboo? Or did something happen?

Dream stood up straighter, and the television flickered on. It showed black and white images of scenes with people Ranboo recognized, but not quite. One specific scene was most familiar, like he'd seen it before, in a dream.

It was on the screen now; it was of a small square room, seemed to be made in the ground, somewhere rocky. There was a man in brown clothing standing in front of a button on the wall.

In the next scene he was laying on the ground, the boxed room was crumbling. There was large gap in the wall where that button used to be, smoke covered the view of outside it.

The man in brown clothes was dead. Another man, with dark wings, was standing before him, a bloody sword in hand. He seemed to be crying.

Ranboo stiffened. This was much too familiar. But why? He turned to look back at Dream and question the man, bit that was stopped when the next scene showed. It was of that dream he had. He slowly started to remember the whole vision once he saw the scene; Wilbur, a member of the Watson family, was smiling with a knife in hand. His finger, on his other hand, was bleeding, and Philza was across the room in shock.

The taller man felt himself cringe. What does this mean? Why does he even need to be seeing this? What happened to Wilbur is none of his business...

"Ranboo, what do you think?" Dream spoke suddenly, closing the television-like window. 

Ranboo stuttered for a moment, "I- I don't know? I guess I feel somewhat mortified?"
He insulted himself silently, as he realized he had raised his voice.

Dream on the other hand, didn't seem to notice nor care.
"I figured as much. You-"

Ranboo interrupted him, "Why are you showing me this? Why have you been showing me these things?"

The blonde paused for a moment in thought, the hummed "Entertainment."

'Entertainment'? Did he really only see Ranboo as a toy, to cure his boredom?

"Have I met you before?" He asked suddenly. Ranboo felt like probing the man for curiosity reasons.

"No, but you've seen me. That's not important though, that me isn't real. Like you." Dream stared at Ranboo with an eerie look at that last statement.

Ranboo backed up a bit. This definitely wasn't the same Dream as last time, but it wasn't the one he hadn't met before. It was the first Dream he met; mean, creepy, and vague.

Dream took his eyes off of Ranboo, well at least that's what it seemed. His face was hidden behind that mask. He was facing the ground now, gritting his teeth. The blonde suddenly jerked, putting a hand on his mask. He started... Glitching? Everytime he stopped for just a moment cuts and tears appeared on his clothes and body.

Ranboo only watched in confusion, wondering if he should do something. He looked around nervously, and Dream disappeared. Startled, Ranboo froze in place. Was Dream in pain? What just happened? Out of nowhere, the tall man felt something fall on his head. He rubbed his head and looked at whatever that was.

It was Dream's mask, but it was broken in half with cracks on each part. Ranboo crouched down to grab it, his fingers barely brushed the pieces, and everything went black.


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