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You were avoiding turning your head back towards Tamaki. While tamaki was thinking of what to do next. He just attempted to kiss you and you declined. He started to think to himself. 'Why did she decline my kiss, Does she not like me in that way, wait! Since I kissed her doesn't she know that I kinda have feelings for her.. stupid Tamaki!..She might not wanna hang out anymore...But we just became friends..No..I won't let her leave me..'. As tamaki was thinking about the worst. You were thinking of a way to leave. It felt awkward to stay after you just rejected tamaki without even telling him. You body started twitching left and right. That was until Tamaki sat up and was sitting your lap. He looked down at you. You face was turning a little red. Tamaki then put his hand on your cheek. You then gave up, you looked at him. "Tamaki I don't think he should be doing this." You said trying to slip off the bed. Tamaki leaned down and laid his head on your neck. You and him sat in slience for 20 minutes. And then you started to feel it. Tamaki was bitting on your neck. "Tamaki! What are you doing" You exclaimed. You began punching him against his shoulder, you were also pushing him. But he wouldn't budge and he kept bitting on your neck. A little bit after you stopped and Tamaki sat up and stared at you. You didn't even look a him for a second before punching him in the nose. Tamaki fell back and held his nose which was bleeding. You immediately got up and grabbed your bag, you hurriedly put on your shoes. You then opened the door and  ran out. Tamaki sat up holding his nose tightly as his stared at the opened door. Tears filled his eyes and he was shaking. He thought to himself. 'S-..she punched me...Why would she punch me, I love her...Why's she punch me!..We're suppose to be destined lovers...". Tamaki begins to sob quietly. The he stopped his cries and came to his own realization and he thought. '...she  hates me...I don't want her to hate me.. I can't have her hate me..No..no. NO!'. He sobs became louder. The blood slid down Tamaki chin and down his neck, then faded  into his shirt. While you were  running through the hall to get back to your dorm. Once you got to your dorm room you quickly opened your bag and pulled out your key. You then jammed the key into the  door lock. You were turning the key, each and every way. You finally opened the door only to see your friend. Kankoi Taao. You were shocked to see him. You walked in and slammed the door behind you. Taao looked up from his magazine. He was sitting in your bean bag chair. "Oh hey L/N~ How's your day going!" Taao said. Taao was a 26 year old man who took care of you when your parents were on business trips when you were younger, he was like an older brother and he actually was your older brother. Your father took him in when he was 6, and raised him. Then your parents had you and you and him have been close every since, you were born. "Shouldn't you be at the bakery Taao" you said crossing your arm. Taao smirked. "I'm the manager I leave when I want!" Taao exclaimed smiling brightly. "Now come here give your Big brother some love!" Taao  said opening his arms. You ran over to him and jumped into arm. He hugged you tightly. You had your head buried in his chest. Taao eyes widen. "Young lady is that hickey!?" Taao exclaimed. You blushed. "I- no! I just burned my self with a curly iron." You said nervously. "L/n y/n uses a curling iron. Pffttt. You don't even know to do your hair correctly...but don't worry your dad did put a little pressure on me about getting hickeys, but at the end of the day he was oka-" You interrupted Taao. " What do you mean  'Your  dad', he is your dad too. I know that we are not blood but we were raised in the same household and Whatever mine is yours. Your oringal name may be 'Kankoi' but your second one is L/n" You said looking up at Taao. Taao smirked. "Awwh how sweet of you lovely" Taao said. You and Taao just caught up, talk a little about your parents.

-time skip 7:35 PM

"Okay Ms. hero. I have to go back to the bakery." Taao said. You frowned but you understood. Taao picked up his backpack then put on his shoes. Then turned around and kissed you on the forehead. "Bye munchkin. Call you when I get back to the bakery" Taao said. He then open the door only to see a indigo hair boy with indigo eyes. It was Tamaki. Tamaki eyes widen when he saw the tall Man. "..hello and goodbye." Taao said as he walked past Tamaki. You walked over to the opened door and as you were about to shut the door. "IM SORRY! I WASN'T THINKING STRAIGHT...I-i Just got caught up in the moment...I don't wanna lose you before we even can make memories..." Tamaki said shaking. You looked a tamaki with a disappointed expression. "Tamaki..Tamaki..Tamaki..Sweet loving tamaki. You are an nervous wreck" you said crossing your arms. Tamaki look down at the floor and fidgeted around with his fingers. "Tamaki amajiki. I accept your apology bu-" before you could finish tamaki went in for a hug.  But you pushed him away. "But I'm still a little pissed off. But I forgive you. Let's just lay low on the touching for a while." You said.  Tamaki then sighed and looked back down at the ground. You put your hand on his head and began ruffling his hair a bit roughly. Tamaki shut his eyes to protect the hair from touching his pupils. "Elf...we are going to pretend this didn't happen." You said.  Tamaki let out a little gasp and looked up a immediately.. but he did understand. Then tamaki said goodbye and walked back to his dorm. You watched as he walked to his dorm, it looked depressing, like a bunny sitting in the rain. You didn't stare long because tamaki turned a corner. You shut the door, and then went change into your P.J's. You switched the lights off then made your way to your bed carefully. Once you got in your bed. You started thinking.  'Was this the right choice, should I have told him I don't think we should be friends anymore, should I have beat him up..fuck it..I can't beat up that Anxious idiot...he is too cute". You then fell asleep shortly after the thought.

Word count: 1171

𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒-Yandere!𝑇𝑎𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑖 𝑎𝑚𝑎𝑗𝑖𝑘𝑖 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now