Don't stare

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You were currently sitting at your desk and everyone was talking because the teacher allowed it. But even with all the bodies moving in the classroom you could feel someone staring directly at you. You looked across the classroom. You saw a few people walk by to go talk to there friends but once the moved you were able to see who was staring at you. And there you a indigo hair boy with pointy elf ears and very dark indigo eyes you knew his name but you call him an elf since he had the ear like one. He didn't know you called him that and you wanted it to stay that way. But This elf always stares at you ever since you were a first year. And you just had to have classes with him every year. You thought the reason he stared at you so much was because he was pissed off, about what went down in middle school. Like about how you were apart of a group that used to bully him. You never bullied him but you did watch and refused to help him in any way. Well you can't really say you didn't bully him. You would call him names and throw his books out the window you never hurt him physically but mentally yes. You got up from your desk and decided yoh were going to confront Tamaki about his staring problem. You walked through crowds of talking kids. And made your way to Tamaki desk. Tamaki looked up at you a bit intiminate. You stared at him and he stared at the ground. "U-um is t-here a problem.." Tamaki said in a sweet comforting voice. You were aware that tamaki had anixtey. You held his chin and made him look up at you. "Please meet me outside the classroom" You said. Tamaki ears turned a bit red and so did his face but you didn't think much of it and walked out the classroom. Tamaki followed behind you and one you were out in the hallways tamaki shut the the door behind him which made the hallway completely slience. Tamaki walked up to him and you didn't even give it a second thought before pinning him against the wall. You slamming your hand against the wall cause the hall to echo a loud bang and Tamaki anixtey to get worst. "Listen El- I mean tamaki You've been staring at me since we started going to school here. At first I didn't mind it but it gotten to where  your always staring at me. Whether it's at lunch,during training,in class or outside of school. Your always fucking staring!" You said. You watch as tamaki slowly started tear up and he turned his quirk on. You felt bad. "Tamaki I'm sorry for yelling and I'm sorry for what went on in middle school. I hope we can be friends. Just please don't stare at me all the time" You said going in for a hug. Tamaki immediately pulled you in by your waist and held you while resting his head on your shoulder. You were surprised that he had the guts to that. You rubbed his back, then ruffled his hair a bit with your hands. His hair looked messy, his hair was beautiful, and his hair was so soft. You were in the moment till you felt tamaki face get hot on your shoulder. "Elf are you okay?" You said in a calming tone still ruffling with tamaki hair. Tamaki face went flushed red. His ears twitched a bit. Then you realized it. "Tamaki! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to call you elf! It was just an accide-" Before you could finish your sentence Tamaki interrupted. "N-no, I like it..." Tamaki whispered into your ear in a low tone. You smirked and blushed a little. He felt so warm and calm. You were able to hear his heart beat in the quiet hallway. That was until. Busting open the door a bunch of your classmates talking and walking out the classroom. Tamaki eyes immediately widen and he let go of your waist and backed up. You sighed then walked into the classroom to grab your belongings. You grabbed your bag and when you went back out into the hallway. You saw a bunch of student walking in the hallways then there you saw Mirio and Nejire crowded around Tamaki. Doing their usual thing cheering for him. Which made him embarrassed but not in a bad way. You looked their way for a few seconds but that was enough for Nejire to catch you staring. "Hey! L/N come here!" Nejire said making everyone in the hallways stare at you and nejire. You walked over to her and gave her an awkward smile. You looked at the people staring. "What the fuck are you staring for, never seen a girl call out for her friend." You said with little patience. Everyone in the hall continued talking and walking to lunch. Nejire smiled brightly. "I saw you an Tamaki exitthe classroom, what'd you two talk about,...or What did you two do~" Nejure said in playful voice. You nudge her in the arm. "We didn't do anything, we just talked" You said. Nejire giggled. "Hey L/N its been a while since you last talk to me and amajiki" Mirio said going in to hug you but he was stopped when Tamaki went in to hug you first. You smiled a hugged him back. "Ooooo..I get it now, you like" Mirio was interrupted by tamaki removing one of his arms from the hug and shooting tentacle out of his arm hitting mirio in the mouth. "OW! why would you do that Tamaki! I wasn't ready" Mirio said while his lip bled a bit. "I-im sorry b-but you were going to say something that doesn't meet my likings" Tamaki said. You laughed. Tamaki put his hand on your cheek. You were laughing until you realize his hands were on your face. You looked up at Tamaki to see him staring at you. You looked at his beautiful indigo eyes and he looked into your pretty (e/c) eyes. Nejire interrupted the moment. "Okay! Where are we going for lunch!"Nejire said. You looked over at her. "You guys leave school for lunch. Isn't that breaking rule 25. No leaving school campus for lunch, doesn't matter if with or without a teachers approval." You said. "Well it is a rule, that no one really gets caught for" Mirio winked. "So the big three do not have problem breaking one simple rule" You said. Mirio and Nenire chuckled. "Well i know a little shop that sell great meals and sweets" Mirio said. "Okay then let's go" Nejire said. Mirio and Nejire started walking. Tamaki rested his head on your shoulder and went he rested he put all his weight on your forcing you to be pushed against the wall. Nejire and Mirio heard the thud and turn around to look at you and him. "How did you 2 just become friends and Tamaki already finding his safe place with you." Nejire said. "Well its not that they just became friends. We all used to go to the same middle school. And I think Tamaki and L/N were friends in middle school. Yet they would only hang with each other when I wasn't around. Which I'm not gonna lie HURT!" Mirio said. "No um, me and amajiki we just became fr-" you got interrupted by tamaki. "Y-yeah we've been friends since m-middle school." Tamaki said. "Well okay Tamaki, well anyways we will meet you at the shop mirio will text you the location."Nejire said. Nejire and Mirio began walking and once you saw they go downstairs you looked at tamaki. "Tamaki. I bullied you in middle school why didn't you tell them that?" You said. "Cause they d-don't need to k-know" Tamaki said. "Elf, I think they should know though" you said. "N-no cause they might separate us. And your really n-nice to me now" Tamaki said. "Well elf I guess you really are a amazing person." You said.

Word count:1380

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