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You woke up rather comfortable. You could hear others awake too. Walking and talking, just doing their thing. This sleep was the best in a long time ever. Maybe that's a good omen. Like this was the place you were meant to go. Let's think of it as progress.

After doing your morning routine you went out of your room, closing the door behind you. Walking on your bare feet you greeted some of the other people there. Then, you were stood in front of the reception. "Morning boss!" You greeted Taroumaru. The boss dog which is sat on top of the front desk. It's fur shining and presence not to be missed.

He barked back at you. You took it as a good morning. "I had a great rest. I'll be going now but I'll be back tonight." You petted his head, making his tail wag. You put on some slippers Thoma had ready for you at the door. He made fun of the shoes you had on and decided to give you some that fit Inazuma better.

You went outside. It seemed like you were forgetting something. But you brushed it off. It was rather warm, sun shining and almost no wind. But still made it bearable. The locals were really nice, when you walked around town you didn't have an unpleasant feeling. The land of eternity sure is peaceful in the towns at least. You knew the dark sides of it but the beauty is impeccable.

Luckily the traveler has already been here. Finishing the recent archon quests and fixing the nations problems again. You were happy to see the happiness on peoples faces again. You knew how intense the situation was. But now the vision hunt decree subsided and everyone is ever so lively.

There were festivals planned and parties being celebrated. You were planning to take part in some festivals. Being an ambivert it's kind of a 50/50 situation if you'd like it or not. But still, wouldn't hurt to try. And if you were with friends you'd feel more at peace.

You desperately tried to ignore the food stands that tried to lure you in. With the sweet and savory scents taking over, it was hard to keep your Mora pouch full. 'You only live once, right?' You couldn't help yourself and treated yourself to some delicious food (favorite inazuman food). You deserve it.

Suddenly you were tapped on your shoulder. When you looked around you were met with a very aggravated Thoma. "Why did you wander off?" He asked you. On second thought he looked kind of worried. "I'm sorry Thoma I totally forgot." You remembered what he said to you last night. Now you felt kind of bad. He already seamed like a good friend of yours.

His mood suddenly changed. "It's alright! Now are you done here?" You nodded, wiped your mouth and followed him out. "Did you sleep well?" Thoma asked you. "Yeah! Oh and thanks for everything you've got for me." You smiled. He chuckled. "Well, glad you slept well."

"Where are we going?" You asked him after a while. He just randomly started walking a direction and you followed him. It was a silent but pleasant walk. He looked excited for what he was going to show you but he didn't tell you a thing. So you asked him.

"It's a surprise." He answered. "Tell me." You countered. "No, otherwise it's not a surprise." He stopped, crossing his arms. "I don't like surprises." You followed Thoma again but with a pout. He didn't tell you anything. This day you've just been walking around Inazuma. Thoma knew the most safest ways to traverse the lands. So that's what you did all day.

You didn't complain though. Inazuma was beautiful. You've visited the shrines and slowly build up your teleport way points that you've touched. Thoma thought you all about the new mobs that you could encounter. He didn't know about the ones on one of the islands though. He didn't want to tell you much about it. Afraid you'd go there out of impulse. But all he said is that it was an island full of fog.

You brushed it off. But you definitely will go there one day. Just to cause havoc. Lumine supposedly just got there. That's all he would tell you. You were grateful to him teaching you the ways here. It was a nice bonding moment too. You've laughed a lot with him and shared stories.

The bad guy, a Scaramouche x Fem!reader isekaiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora