Let me go...

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No ones POV
'Haha look at the loser shake in fear haha!'said one of Morty's bullies after beating him up badly causing him to 🩸 *bleed*after the bullies left he couldn't feel his face or his legs he stumbled to the boys bathroom and looked at his face he had 2 different sized bruisers on the left side of his face and his nose dripping with blood he had to hide this because lessons started soon.he grabbed a spare hoodie he had in his bag and put it on hiding his wrists covered in cuts and bruises And put his hood on covering his face.he walked over to his locker grabbing his books and then he saw her his crush since the beginning Jessica.he was the color of a tomato he looked around to see if brad was around and started walking up to her until...
Morty POV
Omg I'm actually doing it I'm gonna talk to Jessica 🥰
Oh I'm scared what if I freak out and mess up what if she doesn't like me back?!what am I thinking she'll never love a loser like me I can't even walk properly oh god I'm such a loser...I heard a noise come from behind me it was a familiar sound but I couldn't understand what before I could turn around 4 arms grabbed me?! 2 holding me against my stomach one covering my mouth and one covering my eyes.it was difficult to breath..I think I'm gonna...*faints*
*Time skip*
Wh where am I I can't see anything am I tied up was I kidnapped?!oh god I couldn't have been I was in school oh god what do I do?!
'Hello again'
That voice it was I had heard before and one I wish I could never hear again...MR JELLYBEAN?!no he's dead Rick shot him!oh god he's gonna touch me again I know it! I hear his footsteps coming closer and closer to me until they stopped...wait is he undoing the knot on my wrist?!oh god oh god?!huh?
No one POV
Morty took of his blind food and what he saw was a shock it was Rick what was he doing there what happened to mr jellybean?!he grabbed a weird color tape out of his pocket and wrapped it around Morty's wrists to stop the bleeding.
Rick POV
Jesus fucking Christ he was fucking passed out this is all my fault I was trying to do was grab him to heal his wounds Jesus Christ Morty "where did you get those bruises?"I asked I don't know why though I'm Rick Sanchez I don't give a shit about him but there's just something about him that's different...I finish wrapping his wrists with the alien bandages and pull him into a hug just to apologize for the kidnapping 😏
Morty POV
Was Rick hugging me?!he never hugs me...I get my arms and wrap them around him...wait is he crying?!

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